Nepra. It was the name of the ship that she had been aboard for some time now. Every day was some sort of adventure or journey for Kari Sabaan. Had a part of her not have joined for helping move her race forward, she might have even adopted Nepra as her name in place of her settlement name. However many duties she had to take care of as the daughter of one of the settlement leaders, and an unofficial ambassador for the Mynua, everything was so fun and new. So many new people with lives and stories completely different from her own. The levels of technology were far different from what she had grown up with back on Hephaestus, and now she was on a journey to help colonize a planet for everyone! She wasn't even quite sure if it had been given a name yet, the planet. Hopefully it wouldn't be one of those boring Human names, like the ones that were just a garbled mixture of letters and numbers. Maybe they could name this planet after a Mynua deity, like the humans did with their even older pantheons. She could only hope. It would be a great service to her people if she could, though. She waited patiently until everyone was ready to leave the ship before she herself went off to study. From the Nepra, Kari could see just how different it was from Hephaestus. The birds were so wonderful and elegant. However, her eyes were on the ground. She was already on the ground, taking samples here and there to compare to her library. Having friends and talking was fun and all, but she enjoyed her work far too much to let those things distract her from what was really important here. Rocks Rock.