[centre][b][h1][color=coral]Misty[/color][/h1][/b] [hr][hr] [@Themerlinhawk][@BlackPanther][/centre] [hr][hr] Misty shivered lightly, as a shadow fell over her. She knew she was average height for a woman, but she didn't like to be loomed over. She shifted uneasy, feeling like she was trapped, she was just about to turn around and see who was standing behind her, when Lazarus spoke. She squirmed as he beamed at her, a little flustered. She could do this. Reaching up to brush back a strand of hair behind her ear, and stood up straight, feeling the presence behind her again, she looked back, almost stumbling back as she saw the tall figure there, perhaps close to a foot taller then her, and she was sure she saw wings. Angel. Stepping back, she stared at the angel for a moment. [color=coral]"Well, you certainly have a...presence. Do you always stand over girls like that?"[/color] she said, but smiled and her tone suggested she was being humorous. She glanced back to Lazarus, hesitating another moment, wondering if she wanted to get into such a situation, before she grabbed the bag, and approached Lazarus, setting the bag down near him so it was in reach, she stepped back. She wasn't too sure what she should do. She grimaced at herself, wondering why she felt so...awkward? Why? Because she'd interrupted someone? She shook her head at herself, drawing a breath, and standing up straight once more. She glanced at both the angel and Lazarus, she slid onto the seat, listening as the notes faded away, she rested her hands on the piano, fingers resting on the keys. She couldn't imagine not being able to play. Music was in her blood. It was apart of her very essence, and to live without it for a day just wasn't plausible to her. She played a few notes, not even stopping to think about Lazarus, the angel. She simply couldn't help it. Piano's were marvelous instruments, able to someone sound more graceful then a lot of other instruments. She still found her harp a greater instrument, but she was bias. She knew that. She gave a soft, contented sigh. [color=coral]"Music is just amazing"[/color] she said, more to herself then anyone else, choosing to stare at the keys then either man.