Alright, Let me know if anything needs tweaking [@AbandonedIntel]. [hider=Naomi Lim] [center][h1][img][/img][/h1] [IMG][/IMG] [b]"I make my own way in life."[/b] [url=]Born This Way - Thousand Foot Krutch.[/url] [/center] [hr] | [color=crimson][b]Full Name[/b][/color] | Naomi Sumiko Lim | [color=crimson][b]Nickname[/b][/color] | N/A | [color=crimson][b]Alias[/b][/color] | Synthesis | [color=crimson][b]Age[/b][/color] | 17 | [color=crimson][b]Species[/b][/color] | Human | [color=crimson][b]Gender[/b][/color] | Female | [color=crimson][b]Sexuality[/b][/color] | Heterosexual | [color=crimson][b]Alignment[/b][/color] | Chaotic Neutral | [color=crimson][b]In-Depth Appearance[/b][/color] | Standing at just 4 foot 10 inches and weighing little more than 105 pounds, Naomi is nothing if not petite. While thin, and not really sporting much of a tone she does maintain some level of athleticism. Any flare she has comes from her choice in aesthetics. Much of which are at this point influenced by her ability. That is to say she can use her ability to modify certain superficial details. Generally speaking though it is common to see her with red highlights in her hair and a tattoo of two sunflowers on her left arm. These can be changed or even removed almost on a whim. Given her abilities her wardrobe is vast, having learned to create clothing of varying colors and styles on the fly. So if she walks out of a room and steps back in wearing something completely different seconds later that is why. It is this freedom that has led her to trying some more eccentric style choices. Nothing crazy but certainly something that would be considered flashy. Some of the clothing she would wear more casually: [url=]Dress and Kimono[/url] [url=]White knit and Culottes[/url] [url=]Jumper and Jeans[/url] Or not so casually... [url=]Everything else...[/url] | [color=crimson][b]Abilities[/b][/color] | Matter/Energy Conversion - On paper Naomi possesses the power to create and destroy matter. What is really happening though is a perfect energy to matter conversion and vice versa. There are stipulations that will be outlined momentarily. Any material that gets converted into energy can then be recreated at a later time in any shape or form Naomi likes. And it isn't limited to 1:1 of the same material. She could quite literally turn lead into gold by converting the lead into energy and then that energy into gold. As you could expect this is quite a powerful ability in the right hands. Repetition of creating an object makes it easier to create again so there are some more rudimentary blades, clubs, and staves that Naomi can create pretty quickly. A sub benefit to this is the ability to change the clothing she wears, create and remove unnatural markings like tattoos or makeup, and change the style and color of her hair in seconds. Thus far she has not really used this for any reason other than feeling like making a change but it could be used for undercover or evasion purposes. | [color=crimson][b]Limitations[/b][/color] | Probably the most important detail that limits Naomi's power is the fact that it only works with solid non-living matter. Maybe if it's been dead for a while then she could do something but if it's still living or breathing then she can't convert it to energy. Liquids and gasses also seem to be outside her scope despite her attempts. It should also be noted that Naomi cannot create more than she takes in. While capable of retaining an incalculable amount of energy the reserve in finite and must replenished by converting other matter into energy. As such it is possible for her to run out and be left without the ability to create anything. The more complex or molecularly sound a material is the longer it takes to convert or create. Things like clothing is easy even with all the threads but something made of titanium will require time. And anything new to her (never converted before) takes longer the first time. And while Naomi theoretically could create a fully functioning handgun ready to go, the time and concentration would make such impractical. It would be faster to make the individual parts and manually assemble it. That in mind creativity is key and if she can't think about what she's making then it either won't happen or turn out flawed. Lastly is her sphere of influence. Naomi has to physically touch something to convert it to energy. Even then the range of which is only three feet. So if she were to try and convert a wall into energy it would only take a three foot radius from the point of contact. Creating material is a little more forgiving since she doesn't need to be touching what is created. It still is limited to three feet of her though. So she won't be making objects across the room. | [color=crimson][b]Equipment[/b][/color] | Cell phone and depending on the situation she may have a purse mostly as an aesthetic. When you can make things seemingly out of thin air who needs to carry around a bunch of junk? | [color=crimson][b]Personality[/b][/color] | Despite her upbringing Naomi has a tendency to be full of herself. This can probably be attributed to after getting some handle on her powers. On the surface she comes off as spoiled. The rich girl that got whatever she wanted. And while that was true she was the one that made it happen, legitimately on not. She has a tendency to dismiss criticism from people that haven't proven themselves to her. Unsurprisingly she is not always a team player. If there's a goal ahead she'll try and get to it even though some others may get left behind in the process. Beneath all the flashy clothing and snark is a sharp mind. Beyond being pushed by her parents to excel in studies, Naomi's powers have forced her to understand and be more creative with what she makes. Which is fine because it's something she enjoys on some level, So when she isn't showing off or teasing people it shouldn't be surprising to find her researching. This slightly more nerdy side she tries to hide under the guise of practicality. | [color=crimson][b]Place Of Origin[/b][/color] | Kallang, Singapore | [color=crimson][b]Family[/b][/color] | Dean Lim (Father) - Unpowered Yvonne Lim (Mother) - Unpowered | [color=crimson][b]History[/b][/color] | Born and raised in Singapore, an island country smaller than Rhode Island. For many years the land has attracted people from all over the world which has only continued to improve its economy. As such growing up Naomi benefited from her parents having good jobs to support the family. Don't get it wrong the Lim family wasn't rich, but they weren't really left wanting either. While the culture has shifted Naomi's parents still traditionally pressed her to do well in classes, something she followed without much resistance. Things did not really change until a few months before her 15th birthday. Ever have a moment where you you were so mad but not willing to hurt anyone so you take it out on an inanimate object? Well that was one of those moments, in hindsight it was a stupid things to be mad over. Either way Naomi grabbed one of her plastic trophies from school and intended to smash it against the wall. Imagine her surprise when it simply vanished in a flash of light right as she was trying to throw it. The inexplicable event made very little sense until it started to occur more often, usually during emotional highs. Realizing she was a metahuman but not quite understanding the full scope of her abilities Naomi shrank away from people. Her powers were only destructive as far as she knew and could harm someone. Just as discovering her ability to destroy things was an accident, creating something was just as unintended. The realization of such opened up a whole new world of possibilities. Of course it didn't take long for the girl to realize that there were limitations and the correlation of energy reserves. Such ability had some wide reaching potential and Naomi intended to exploit it. Not wanting to get caught though she opted not to be so blatantly obvious as some others had done. No when you can take junk and turn it into something more valuable then there's nothing left to do but sell it. Before long the once modest girl had pretty much anything she wanted at her fingertips. With the new status came a change in behavior. Her own parents don't even recognize her anymore. But it turns out that when you suddenly out of nowhere start injecting rare metals into circulation you attract attention. Singapore was also still pretty strict on crime so when she was caught the truth about her being a metahuman made it easy to pin how she did it. The country having a good relationship with the Powerbound Alliance meant Naomi had two options, Stay in prison and serve time or join the ranks of many others like herself to benefit humankind. | [color=crimson][b]Extra[/b][/color] | Just to put into perspective how much energy Naomi is dealing with when converting things, if she were to convert her own body mass into energy it would be 40 times more energy than the largest nuclear bomb ever detonated (Tzar Bomba). The Tzar Bomba was 1,400 times more powerful than both Little Boy and Fat Man combine. It would be enough energy to power the whole USA for 20ish years. [sub]Face Claim: [url=]Sharley L.[/url][/sub] [/hider]