[center][h2]Kinow[/h2] [/center] [@Polaris North][@oWhiteDiamondo] Kinow narrowed his eyes as followed Robyn's gaze. She was right. There deer had seemingly vanished, the faintest of blood smeared as if it had been dragged away. The dirt was slightly scuffled and, mingling the comforting familiarity of his pack's, the faintest of scents. Foreign to most of the pack, but disturbingly familiar to the one that stained the messed fur of his forehead. His ears drew back, claws scratching at the dirt. He could tell Angelwing and Rymen. He could get alert the warriors. He could track her down. Kinow glanced at his leader and the deputy, before back at trail. Or he could be an absolute idiot. "I scented an injured deer while I was out. I'm going with Robyn to see if we I can track it down," Kinow called as he stood. The words slipped out of his mouth with surprising ease. It wasn't untrue. Not really. He had scented a deer, and he was going to track it. But that wasn't his only goal. With a small nod from Rymen, he nudged a Robyn and bounded towards the trail. He breathed in deeply the familiar foreign scent, a small growl bedded deep in his throat. Irritation made the corners of his mouth twitch. The Moon wanted his attention, he could tell that much. Why else would she go through the trouble of dragging the deer from camp when she could have easily taken it before? For what, he didn't know. And, though a small part of him shouted against this, he couldn't help but be curious. As much as he loathed to say this, but the strange wolf intrigued him. "You might want to hang back a bit," he called to Robyn once they were far enough from the camp. "I'm not sure how she'd react to someone else tagging along." [hr] [center][h2]Rymen[/h2] [/center] Rymen ducked his head respectively at Angelwing's words. His mind was already astir. He needed every warrior he could find on watch. Double the patrols, reinforce the borders, even post a guard by the entrance if needed. Anything to make sure everyone was safe. He glanced up at the nursery, amusement breaking the clouds of remorse as he saw the pups play-fighting. They knew little of trouble and hardship, and all of the safe haven that was their camp. All Rymen could hope for was that they stayed that way. And, by the spirits, he would make sure of it A passing white shape caught his eye. He opened his mouth to call to Luna, only to falter when he saw the tired look in her eyes. She'd been up all night, and this morning's events were surely no help to that. No, he'd let her rest. But those that could, he would find something for them to do. Gazing around camp, he began to walk around, asking any warrior and even a few hunters if they could join a patrol.