I've seen a lot about the fighter being underpowered. Is it true? I haven't seen a straight figter in a 3.0/3.5 game yet, so I have no first-hand experience, but I might play one next game. ringtones download: https://downloadringtonesfree.mobi/ I've seen reasoning that they are fine, just the power curve favors the fighter in the early levels and then tapers off. Some say that they can max out a feat tree and are then stuck with little effective selection. Is this just an issue for people that play with the core books only? I tend to play with core and the complete books. Like the sorcerer thread, I'm looking at the class as a level 1-20 progression instead of jumping to a PrC. Is it just a matter of giving more feats? Maybe a bonus feat every level except those divisible by three? That would yeild 14 instead of 11 at level 20 (not including the regular feat at every 3rd level). Would that make it too juicy for dippers and munchkins, or is it neccessary at all? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k8T_oO7BF0Y