[color=6ecff6]“Correction, the Orion is an Autumn Class Heavy Cruiser that is roughly based off the Pillar of Autumn’s design. It has been upgraded with technology and equipment to make it much more powerful, effective and deadly than most other ships in the UNSC Navy. Any information beyond that has not been shared with me or the Colonel at this time. Why ONI decided to officially bring the Orion into active duty for this specific mission is beyond all of us and our paygrade. In my personal opinion, if the Office of Naval Intelligence wishes to bring out one of its new and expensive toys from hiding, and then hand it over to us, I see no problem with it. Think of it this way, ONI trusts us enough to hand over a brand-new ship that is up to par with the Infinity to us. You are correct though, it will turn heads and gather a lot of attention once reports of the Orion come flooding in. It will undoubtedly be a massive morale booster as well. Enough about the ship though, all of the information and orders I have shared with you have come from the top with ONI, there is no additional information. I am sure all will be explained once we have arrived upon the ONI space station though, so for now let us depart.”[/color] Andromedai motioned towards Colonel Icarus who was already barking orders to the ships AI. [color=ed1c24]“Take us out Nesalla, nice and slow, you know where the ONI space station is so get us there as swiftly and safely as possible.”[/color] The ships engines silently came to life somewhere far below where Team Rogue Seven, beginning its short journey. Suddenly, an image of Erathell quickly appeared upon the large holographic table in the middle of the room. [color=00aeef]“I believe I can answer that question for you, Koda. If everyone would make their way to the holographic image of Erathell, I can share more information about the planet.”[/color] Said Nesalla as her fully formed, full sized, three dimensional figure appeared next to the table. This had caught not only Andromedais attention but also Colonel Icarus’s as well. Apparently, the AI known as Nesalla could create a holographic life size version of herself and roam around the ship she was installed into as if another organism. [color=6ecff6]“Has she done this before?”[/color] asked Andromedai, her arms crossed her over chest, a look of both worry and curiosity spread across her face. [color=ed1c24]“I have never seen her do that before, come to think of it, I have never seen any AI or VI do that before.”[/color] Colonel Icarus paused then shrugged, [color=ed1c24]“I see no harm in it.”[/color] While both Andromedai and Icarus were talking, Nesalla was describing the Forerunner planet of Erathell to the rest of Team Rogue Seven. [color=00aeef]“This is the current information we have about the Forerunner planet of Erathell. The world is almost an exact replica of our own, only a few differences make it stand out. These would be the placement of the continents upon its surface, the day and night cycle is two hours longer, and the planet is around five times the size of our own. Climates are the same as on earth, you will finds deserts, forests, jungles, swamps, bogs, mountains, valleys, prairies, oceans, beaches, and so on. The Argent Dawn crashed in an incredibly lush forest, at the bottom of a long mountain range. That is where we will being our search for Spartan Solares. The holographic image you see here is interactive, feel free to zoom in on areas of the planet you are curious about, or even the crash zone of the Argent Dawn, just keep in mind that the data used for this hologram is not complete.”[/color] Nesalla had been pacing around the Spartans as she looked at the holographic image of the world. When she was done speaking, she vanished into thin air, only to reappear upon the holographic table once more. [HIDER=The Forerunner Planet of Erathell][img]http://i.imgur.com/PzrisHy.jpg[/img][/hider]