[@The Harbinger of Ferocity] And perhaps it is up to me to 'reality check' this person and tell them that the BB codes are nothing to feel personally offended by. Like I said, I would agree with what you said if it was a character, roleplay or something similarly 'time consuming' to write. Making a character sheet skeleton? I've made hundreds. Not simple ones either, ones that I invested a lot of time in and that I carefully wrote out myself to fit my RP. They have been used, re-used, altered, blatantly copied and 'plagiarized' and much to my happiness so because it means I did a good job at making something presentable and readable. We are not talking about intellectual property. We are not talking about characters, or a roleplay. A character sheet. I really don't care how 'personal' this person feels this 'theft' was. It doesn't matter because it's just fucking stupid. This was an immature situation (party A should not have taken it without asking, party B should not have gone the public route) caused by immature people with no sense of community. This public battle was immature, unnecessary and above all just humiliating for both sides. I mean shit. Our homeboy wrote a fucking essay comparing the two bb code sheets to each other. Spent way too much time on this. Like a personal bloody crusade. And the best part is; he's not even the original creator. He's just some guy that feels offended in someone else's place. Why hasn't the original creator posted here? Why was it not the original creator in the thread Wick made? Why was it two holy pious knights taking up arms and shield for the original creator? Can I take away from this that the original creator doesn't really care as much as this guy and this other person seem to make it out like? If there was any gut in them the original creator would've done it themselves. But, this is the spirit of RPG nowadays that I have felt growing increasingly. Lack of community, lack of common sense, lack of etiquette. Granted I am guilty of that myself, but at least I have the common courtesy to at least stand by my words rather than hide behind my friends. And it makes me fed up because this place used to be the holy grail of online play by post roleplaying. Now it's just a wankstain circlejerk of idiots that take themselves too seriously now, some echo chamber where OOC grievances or even simple disagreeing opinions are taken more seriously than the quality a writer can put forth. And that's sad because this place is the place that made my writing skyrocket. Returning to your points however, no, I don't agree with your initial paragraph. It isn't personal - because the original creator that was apparently so offended by this didn't post here or in the thread. It isn't something worth being personally offended by either. They seem to think it is - and that is their good right, I am not telling them they can't feel that way. But I disagree with it. Strongly, and more so because it happened in such a backwards way. Things to take away from this is that you should ask permission before taking something, but also that personal crusades against someone else in their OOC thread are probably worse than that. One simple PM could've prevented all this but instead we have White and Knight get involved and now we have some shitstorm in the bitching thread. I really miss pre-Guildfall RPG.