[@Gisk] Most technology is wild west stuff, but there are pockets of modern and even advanced technology. Most of this stuff tends to be in the big cities, but there are ways to get them on the black market and through scavenging. It's very widespread and hard to acquire and even use, mostly because a lot of people on Ravage don't even know how to maintain the tech. So you could have some advanced stuff, but you'll have to keep it repaired and working too. Vehicles are mostly modern stuff, cars and motorbikes, the ARK ship Saggitarius brought a large stock with them and they can still be built with remnants of old world tech. Ravage has it's own ecosystem and there are a lot of general predators and creatures around, but humans did bring a cargo of animal DNA with them in the Leo Ark ship, so whilst not very widespread, earth animals do exist on Ravage.