[center][img]http://www.mmo-town.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/soldier76-profile-icon.png[/img] [h2][color=525d9b][b]Commander Morrison[/b][/color][/h2][/center] Morrison's first question came from Flashover again, asking which team will be with who. [color=525d9b][b]"I was just going to get to that,"[/b][/color] he responds, [color=525d9b][b]"Team Robin will be with McCree, handling the cargo on Train B, while Team Exusia will be with Zarya on on Train R. That means you are with McCree keeping guard with the laser."[/b][/color] Just then, Exusia spoke up and asked what if Talon sends his own forces to hit the cargo. And she wasn't mentioning much about Reaper and Widowmaker. [color=525d9b][b]"Then it is up to you guys to protect the cargo."[/b][/color] he replies solemnly, [color=525d9b][b]"That's also another reason Zarya and McCree are going to give you a helping hand on this mission. You'll basically either be with an Ex-Blackwatch member or one of the strongest woman in the world (or so she says)."[/b][/color] And with that, he checks the time, and sees that it's time for them to go. [color=525d9b][b]"Now..."[/b][/color] he says, [color=525d9b][b]"Without further ado, get into your teams and move out. The teleporters are at the end of the hall to the left hallway. Good luck heroes."[/b][/color] With that, Morrison and the rest of the advisors began to pack up and leave, while Robin and perhaps Exrusia began to form up their teams. [color=ed1c24][b]"Cmon guys!"[/b][/color] he calls out to his teammates, [color=ed1c24][b]"Lets finally get this show on the road!"[/b][/color] [hr] [center][img]http://www.mmo-town.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/reaper-profile-icon.png[/img] [h2][b][color=black]Reaper[/color] Talon Headquarters: Control Center 03[/b][/h2][/center] David was the first to ask Reaper a question, asking who will be in chain of the command, but before he can answer, Mortem, aka Fynn, showed up, or at the very least spoke up as he offers David to lead the charge for one of the trains. Reaper slowly tilts his head to the young sniper, the very same one who offered command to be given to this mission. Underneath that mask, Gabriel Reyes smiles rather notoriously. [b][color=black]"Chandler,"[/color][/b] he slowly responds with a hiss, [b][color=black]"Since you always want a hand guiding you in the missions, lets see how you fare as a leader. Tell us YOUR plan."[/color][/b] With that Chandler explains his plan. Heliox, Theodore, and Medix will go on Train R, with the omnic leading the attack, while him, Mortem, and Scorn would take Train B. He then explained who will be doing who and creating a rather solid plan. Reaper listens silently till he finished, giving a very quick second of response until responding verbally. [b][color=black]"Not bad... for a rookie."[/color][/b] the masked man responded. Just then Viper finally speaks up, mostly towards Heliox's group, in where he will release a highly dense gas and a vial of acid for good measure, into the carriage; obscuring the view and possibly killing the guards on board. After that Heliox will enter the cart and clear out the survivors, with our assistance if there are a fair few guards left. They'll then take the prize with ease and leave. Reaper nods with approval. He then turns to the others, [b][color=black]"You've heard them. Form up into those specified teams and get to the copters ASAP. Dismissed."[/color][/b] With that, Reaper walks off as the others head to their respected copters. Heliox signals for Theodore, Viper, and Medix to come with him, while Chandler would perhaps have his own forces come with him.