[@RainbowFactory][@Hazard Bits][@PokimKyOshi] When the shorter of the two headmasters gave the best "explanation" Damon was clearly going to get currently, he wasn't any less flabbergasted as he was upon his arrival. [color=cyan] Now just hold on for a moment, "school"? If I had known people could be forced into an education on an island in the middle of god knows where, I'd be homeschooled. Your friend back there could have killed someone and you call this a school?[/color] Damon paused for a moment. [color=cyan] What's next? A crash course in surviving [I]burning[/I] tree branches falling from the sky? A quiz on how to be confused?[/color] He decided to stop there and wait it out, the man said he'd give a better explanation when more people arrive so Damon would give him until then. [color=cyan] So when's "What the hell is this hellish hell?" period? Somewhere in between "Oh dear god we're dead!" and "Save us please!" period?[/color]