[center][h1] [color=00aeef]Matthew Hyatt[/color] [/h1][/center] [center][img]http://i128.photobucket.com/albums/p185/ladythang19/tumblr_m85eur5BQY1qfx6p6_zpst9sieylr.jpg[/img][/center] Matt was dazed when they got to Jack's place. Grace climbed on him and gave him kisses. Looking at his little girl made him flash back to seeing Nikki leaning against that building sobbing. [color=00aeef]"Ingrid! strap me up! I need to attach Grace to myself I'm going after Nikki!"[/color] Grace looked at him like he was out of his mind. She walked over to him and took Grace out of his arms and walked away with her. She put the baby in Violet's arms and walked back over to Matt and pulled her gun on him. [color=8dc73f] "Nah, I'll not do it! I'll not send that baby out there to die while you and Nikki are grieving the losses. Y'all are dangerous rih now. I'll guard her with m'life, even from 'er daddy. You wan to go look fer Nikki. Good go get'er and you come find us."[/color] Everyone else was watching and apparently agreeing with her. Matt nodded. [color=00aeef]"Okay, I'll leave her with you. Just take care of my little angel."[/color] Ingrid nodded and Matt grabbed his, Kyle's and Sasha's bags. He stopped by Ingrid and pulled out the other things of Grace's from his pack. He held his daughter once more and gave her lots of kisses and hugs. When she shrieked he gave her back to Ingrid. [color=00aeef]"Thank you Ingrid. Take care of my girl."[/color] Ingrid nodded with tears in her eyes as she watched Matt take off running all out back the way they had come. Fifteen minutes later he was back where the battle had taken place and he ran to where he had seen his sister last and started to follow the trail of the dead that she had taken out. He was moving quick and he saw her up ahead but she was just standing there. There was a walker coming towards her and he watched her drop her sword on the ground. [color=00aeef]"NO! NIKKI! Pick up the sword!" [/color] His voice must have snapped her out of it. When she heard his voice she bent low and kicked the walker and raised up sliding the sword into it's skull. She turned around and stared through her brother. Matt got to her and pulled her into his arms and hugged her. There was a small shed off to the right and it was padlocked shut. The rest was just woods around them. It was getting dark. [color=00aeef]"Nikki we need to find shelter...now!" [/color]She nodded her head and followed him towards the shed. Breaking the latch he opened the door and looked inside. There was an old still and it looked like someone had been making moonshine. He shook his head and pushed Nikki in. Getting inside and locking the door he flicked his lighter to see nothing else in the shed but moonshine. He put the packs down and they leaned against them and she lay against her brother with his arm around her protectively. [color=f49ac2]"Kyle and my baby died."[/color] Nikki finally whispered. Matt nodded unable to talk. [color=00aeef]"Sasha died."[/color] Nikki looked up at him. [color=f49ac2]"How? she was in the house."[/color] He shook his head. [color=00aeef]"She complained of a headache and collapsed, I'm thinking aneurysm. She was gone before she hit the floor."[/color] Nikki looked around and panicked. [color=f49ac2]"Where is Grace?"[/color] Matt smirked, [color=00aeef]"Ingrid wouldn't let me take her to come looking for you by myself. She said right now we are both dangerous. She was right."[/color] Nikki hugged her brother tightly. [color=f49ac2]"Of course she was, she is Ingrid and Ingrid is always right."[/color] Nikki chuckled slightly. She pulled over a jug of moonshine and opened it. The siblings sat there drinking moonshine and talking all night. [@wildrose][@josephb][@king tai][@evolution365]