Pholus laughs a bit and nods his head at the mention of the job board. He now has an idea at what to do for the next few days and what to do for pay. [color=aquamarine]"I'll gladly take a job up when I get the chance to and I'll help you out in treating wounds if the needs arises because you seem rather friendly. What's your name ma'am if that's alright? And yes I make...not really machines, more like contraptions. I can make...small bombs and the like with the tools and materials I have. I could probably make larger machines of sorts if I had the items to do so and the time but I prefer much more hand held gadgets...for example."[/color] He pulls a switch on his metal gauntlet to make it turn into a crossbow on top of it. Wasn't one of his best inventions...but then again, he didn't pull the other hidden and imprinted switches on the gauntlet for the other hidden things inside. [@Alisdragon911] [@Nightingale95]