[hider= Mood Music.] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=soVP8KuXBiQ[/youtube] [/hider] Stitched thin the family binds, A funeral shroud fraying at the ends, The spiral after he left for the ones left behind, The ones who upon you they depend, First the mother, and then a son, and now misfortune stalks the innocent one. How blind was she to it all? Focusing on winning approval for her choices from her eldest, enough to neglect the pain of the youngest? Yet the girl hid her suffering well, better than Leith did in his moody silence. And Taron, well Taron had kept his silence too, but he was the last of Meredith's worries. Richard was her gamble, and more so right now her bread and butter, she reasoned she had only a few months left to tie the knot and become Mrs. Pryce before her luck ran out. Her savings already dwindling down, even with Richard's generous gifts and covering her credit line for her. It was just too much. May, well she was godsend in a way. Taron and Bailey, they had no reason to go. Leith was family, but Ceren, well Ceren was not family yet and honestly Meredith took the boy in because she knew Leith would hate her forever if she didn't. But honestly, 4 Bedrooms, in this house they had? Sure it was enough for when they were one family, but with two extra people... It was hard, the mother of three and a half rubbed her temples with one hand and tipped the wine to her lips in the other. Her mind weighed heavy, her head supported by her arm which dug into the table. There was only one light at the end of the tunnel there, one gleaming bit of hope within reason and reach. That Ceren would have broken Leith's heart so terrible that he could never love again. Oh what sort of mother was she to think such thoughts? It was the wine, the wine and pressure, to wish your child be hurt as such. But love was not the romantic gesture society has made it. An arrow through the chest is still an arrow through the chest. It would hurt, there would be pain, and scars that may never fade. It is only a tragedy when those scars hurt the innocent products of such believed loved. It was his fault for leaving. Or was it hers? Regardless of who was at fault however, she had three beautiful children. Three wonderful people to bring her joy in her life. Even though Leith reminded her so much of him, she loved him most. And perhaps that was why she loved of all the three children most. Taron was on his way too, the feature of his father starting to break through, but he had more of his mother in him compared to Leith. And Bailey, well she was all mom with a sprinkling of dad. What did they remember of him? Did they know why he left? Did Leith explain it, did he understand? Love that was true, was bound by love. It could not lust for another, want for another, be with another. She could not forgive him, and he could not bear her guilt-laden looks. Perhaps that is why he left, because of her broken heart. So is that why when she saw Leith with Ceren, she always swallowed down her tears? Seeing so much of the man she loved and hated, in love with another man? No, though she loved to comb her fingers through his hair as she cradled Taron in her arms and watched over Bailey in her basket, Leith was still her baby. Despite the beard and body hair, of blushing when mom caught him less than decent, she saw in him the boy they raised together. A boy grown up now, and finding a love of his own. All she could wish for as a mother was that his heart was in the right place. Such that her child would never feel the pain she felt when his father stopped loving her. A single tear wiped away from the corner of the eye, before May could see into her sister's mind. May had been through enough already, and has done so much for them all. "I don't know May. I just don't know anymore. I don't think Rick would even think of moving in with us, plus we're already over booked as it is... And Leith..." The tone of her voice fading away, "I'm not sure what to do May. Is it too much for me to want my kids to live a good life? A better life than we had growing up? But look at me Sis, Mom was there for us, me? I'm hardly there at all for them now. I just don't know May... Maybe I can convince Rick that Ceren's not that bad, I mean he makes Leith happy, and that's all I could ever want for him right now. He's a good kid May, but... I just don't want to see him struggle, he can't make it out there alone, let alone having Ceren to support too now." A long drink as needed, chased down by more rubbing of the temples, as if those fingers prayed to the gods for a miracle there. "And besides, that's a total lie, we both know you're just as pretty. What are you wearing to dinner May? It's a Japanese place, I have no idea if the kids will enjoy it, Rick's says they cook right in front of you on a hot plate. Sounds fancy right?" Changing the subject, casually as if wishing the family issues to just disappear with a wave of a hand, or eight ounce of wine in this case. It was far too early, far far too early, but given the circumstance, she probably needed it, and even poured her sister a glass and slid it across the table. "Don't worry about my eggs May, did you get the kids lunches? you said Leith was working garage did he need a lunch too?" Ah there was an idea, maybe Leith could work for Rick at one of his dealerships? Working up on those cars? Maybe they could bond as father and son over a business together? Maybe Leith could even be a shop manager instead of a tech? Or would Leith hate working for Rick? It was a thought, grasped as they came, fluttering innocently by like butterflies resting against the lip of the unclassy-wineglass. "Taron, Bailey! get up Kids!" Shouted downstairs as Meredith began to ascend, glass in hand before Ceren came hopping down. His Latin flair mixing in with his boyish causality chewing on a lip in a V-neck and faded jeans as he reported the kids were up. "Morning Ceren, are you taking the kids today?" Of course he will be Meredith-wine-glass-in-hand. But how will she tell the news that the rest of the family was invited to dinner with Richard? Perhaps in the gentlest manner possible, civilly. "Leith's going to the café to work tonight, do you both have plans after? Did you need some cash if you do?" Digging around her purse for her wallet, as she counted out the dollars she had left, thirty two. Handing a two tens and two singles to Ceren. "Twenty two's good enough right?" Pretty much a big hint for Ceren to take Leith out tonight without telling the boy anything. "Taron Honey, make sure you leave enough water for your Bailey, and hurry up there, Ceren's got places to be too!" The least she could do was hug and kiss her kids, bidding them a nice day at school before hiding away into her room to break down in tears. Tears over it all. Tears over her family, broken and barely held together by May. And the little voice in her head which shuddered at the thoughts of the boy before her and her son's activities in Bailey's room, a thought she preferred not to linger and fed away with the hope that she raised him better. Her glass finished now as she waited for the little ones to come clambering down. "Don't worry about picking them up Ceren, I'll pick them up at threeish. Our driveway's getting way to busy isn't it May?"