[center][h2]Beautiful Lies[/h2][/center] [center][i]Themerlinhawk[/i][/center] [center][b]Lazarus[/b][/center] [center][h3]The Academy- Afternoon[/h3][/center] The smile on Lazarus face was massive as Misty started into the music and nodded along as Barachiel joined in on his flute. It was such a nice distraction from the worries of the day. Sliding his hands down the keys he followed Misty’s lead on the music using the lower half of the full grand piano. It was amazing working in a school where the majority of the students were musicians made life some much more enjoyable. It was quite clear that both of them were talented as there were few if any disharmonies in their improvisation. Continuing to make use of the other half of the piano Lazarus let the enjoyment of the moment suffice him and for the first time in the last two weeks he was happy again. As the three of them finished up with the melody Lazarus chuckled. “You know it really is quite a joy working for a school where all of the students are relatively talented musicians.” Carefully closing the cover for the keys on the piano he turned to look at the two of them. Pulling a notebook from his bag he began to take note of the main melody. “I hope I didn’t pull you two away from anything important. I appreciate your willingness to humor me.” Looking up at Misty he tilted his head. “Your studies coming along okay? I’m sorry I haven’t exactly been present lately.” Giving Barachiel a look he nodded at the weather angel. Barachiel had been around almost as long as he had though his position within the academy was much more akin to that of a quite guardian and assistant to the students. Turning his attention back to Misty he waited patiently for her to bring him up to speed on her progress. [@BlackPanther][@Caits]