[center][h3][color=007fff]Indigo Afina – Frenzy Camp[/color][/h3] [@Lunarlors34][/center] The act of getting herself settled and her things organized, even into what could only be a temporary establishment in the form of her tent, took Indigo quite some time. Though by no means would the sorceress call herself obsessive-compulsive, she just couldn't be completely at ease until her possessions and appearance were returned to a state as close to faultlessness as possible. Despite this, a keen eye and practiced hands -combined with a eagerness to get everything in place- made short work of what many would consider an arduous task. The afternoon sun found Indigo seated in a folding chair in front of her little tent, deeply absorbed by a new book taken from the ruins of Belka's chapel. Within its gnawed, brown covers lay an enigmatic text stuffed with antiquated speech, which the Librarian's aptitude with words enabled her to translate to a fascinating account of a long-forgotten faith's origin story and practices. Other than a brief start, Indigo did not react poorly to Ashlyn's inquiry. Instead, she put on her businesslike polite smile, lowered her book, and replied, [color=007fff]”Yes, miss. He departed not long ago in the company of Mistress Beltras of Phoenix Wing; I saw them walk by. I was not informed of his purpose, but I would venture to guess that he's attending some sort of important inter-guild matter. As someone who came to Fiore as an observer of the Games, I am sure you've noticed that there are some tensions between Jamie's guild and our own.”[/color] A stray wind toyed with a strand of the sorceress's golden hair, which she hurried to tuck behind her ear so as not to obscure her vision.