[quote=@MiddleEarthRoze] [@Zelosse] Fair enough - just in case your character isn't made by the point of the IC moving on into the gate, your character will be introduced when the group closes the gate and gets down to the forward camp at the foot of Kvatch. Saves you catching up on posts, and it also won't matter how long your CS takes to make. Thanks for your interest! Check in, [@LeonVon] and [@Apokalipse]. [@sandman9913][@Andromedai][@skinnehminneh][@Necroknight][@josephb] Do I still have your interest, ladies and gents? Please let me know, 'tis only common courtesy. I won't blame you for losing interest, but don't leave us hanging around. [/quote] heyo, sorry, ive been hitting a wall when i start to work on a post T_T but im slowly trying to get through it