[hider=Amarilla Keton]Character Name: Amarilla Keton Race: Dhampir, hybrid of vampire and tall dwarf Gender: Female Age: 21 [hider=Appearance][img]https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CysCMYUUQAAEdwj.jpg[/img][/hider] Personality and Motivations: Amarilla is an odd girl, friendly and peppy, but one might say [i]too[/i] friendly and peppy, and with occasional off-putting tendencies as she shows no concern at the prospect of encountering things that most others might find terrifying. Her upbringing, while providing her with a variety of knowledges, did not do well in teaching her how to contain her enthusiasm or act appropriately in front of others, especially in formal settings and the like. She often appears completely oblivious or uncaring of dangers that could present themselves in the depths as well, though on the contrary, she is fully aware of any potential hazards that may arise. She simply considers it an inevitable hazard of adventuring, and feels no need to show excess concern over it past taking standard precautions. After all, why would one travel into such danger if they weren't willing to take such risks? Having only encountered members of mortal races in her daily life - and not even many of those - and only reading of undead in research texts, Amarilla's desire to explore these depths stems from a desire to study the undead within firsthand, wishing to learn about her heritage, as she puts it. Class and Alignment: Neutral Alchemist History: The circumstances of Amarilla's birth are a mystery even to her. Born to a mother who died during childbirth, and a father whom neither Amarilla nor anyone she knows had ever laid eyes on, she has never known how exactly she was born as an abominable hybrid of undead and mortal. As such, rather than parents, Amarilla was raised by an elderly librarian by the name of Esmeralda Keton, who taught her all that she knows today, resulting in a smattering of knowledge on multiple subjects. Esmeralda kept Amarilla away from most other individuals, fearing what may happen if anyone else were to discover that Amarilla were a dhampir. In recent years, Amarilla has taken an interest in learning about the undead for a greater understanding of herself, refusing to remain kept away from society any further so that she may explore the outside world for the sake of learning. Equipment: - Black hooded cloak, typically worn over her coat to cover herself and avoid sunlight. - Serrated dagger, as a backup when bombs won't do - Alchemist's supplies, for mixing together bombs and the occasional poultice - Lock picks, as one never knows when they might come in handy Skills and Spells: - Amarilla's hybrid nature has its benefits, granting her impressive agility and grace, allowing her to hide and slip out of sight easily when she actually decides to stop talking, and letting her work well with diligent handiwork such as lockpicking or using precious materials. - She is able to see exceptionally well in darkness and is resistant to most diseases. - Amarilla has at least basic knowledges in many subjects learned from her life in the library, but the ones that stand out into anything notable are knowledge of alchemy and the undead. She has minimal use as an apothecary sadly, she could make a basic poultice for treating minor wounds if given the right herbs, but that would be the extent of her healing capabilities. Instead, she has learned to quickly (and somewhat haphazardly) mix together vials of volatile materials to create small bombs that detonate when thrown. The result of these bombs is nothing large or spectacular, but definitely a bit more damaging than taking an arrow to the shoulder. Miscellaneous: - Sunlight does not harm Amarilla, but she is still sensitive to it as it hurts her eyes rather easily, making it difficult for her to act capably in broad daylight. - Fire burns her more severely and easily than it would others. - Her vampiric heritage gives her occasional cravings for blood in small amounts, though it provides no actual benefit for her to drink it as she still normal needs food like any other mortal creature.[/hider]