[center][img]http://images6.fanpop.com/image/photos/35900000/-SnK-Levi-shingeki-no-kyojin-attack-on-titan-35907579-360-500.jpg[/img][/center] [center][h3][i]Operation Rainbow Retrieval: The Wings of Freedom[/i][/h3][/center] [center]Interacting with..[@Demous.[/center] It took him some time to reach the spot he had gotten to. Alleyways and rooftops were mostly clear, minus the few stray watchdogs who must not have been told. A few cus here and their and Marcus had managed to claim a spot overlooking the execution square, or by what he heard some Marines call it, the Stage. Quite pitiful if one were to ask him. They made it seem like this was fun. They didn’t understand the harm they had caused over the years and more than likely anyone caught with views otherwise were put down like dogs. But, he watched from atop a rooftop not too far from the execution site. God the Marines were more annoying now than ever. A new age, a new annoyance for those who rebelled against their tyrannical ways. Malthael was lucky enough to avoid such problems, mostly due to his prior pirating experience and evasion tactics, more commonly known as his invention. [i]Flllllllllllllll...clickclickclickclick[/i] His optical invention zoomed in to get a better view of the show that was being put on. Definitely an execution. Announcement and everything needed to showboat their bullshit. As the man kept talking, he couldn't help but roll his eyes. If only he could just shut him the fuck up. But soon his disinterest turned to curiosity as they brought out the prisoner. Malthael’s eyes widened ever so slightly as he took notice to who she was. [color=9e0b0f][i]”Is that-”[/i][/color] His eye squinted as his eagle eye zoomed in for a better view. [color=9e0b0f]”Her...They can’t kill her, i need her to get me off this island.[/color] The end of his sentence held a bit of tension as he made the few necessary adjustments to his gear. Tthe Axemen heaved up his axe. [hr] Location: Shells Town square Sayuri watched the as everything was set up from her incredible position right up front. Nobody was willing to get in a commissioned officers way and made an easy path for her. She wanted to rush up there and just fight her way through to Abbigaill but it would be difficult for to have gotten both of them out alive. So she’d just have to wait until she was right at the block and save her then. She just sighs as he makes a rather grand speech before letting her say last words and calling for her execution. Smiling she removes her hands from her pockets and shoot directly in front of one of the executioners punching him in the face sending him flying backwards and losing his weapon. She spins around to see someone else she vaguely recognized zipline down and kill the other Executioner. [hr] [i]PSHH! VRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRrrrrrrrrrrr….CLING!THUNK[/i] His anchor mechanism shot out and down towards the ground on the side of the stage but not before smacking into the falling axe, shocking most around. But it was the sound of his steel wire reeling him in that got everyone's attention, not to mention the rolling head of the one executioner. “WHO IS THAT!?” “THA-THAT’S LEVIATHAN!” “I THOUGHT THE LENS MIRA CREW WERE DEAD!? A few in the crowd pointed at him, taking quick recognition to who he was. Malthael Marcus Levi, Son of the infamous Captain Levi of the Lens Mira. If his face didn’t give it away. The tailcoat of his jacket, which bore the Wings of Freedom, did. He looked over to Abby with lazy yet cautious eyes, which slowly looked her up and down. [hr] ”The crowed identified him for her however, [color=990000][i]’Oh, that’s Malthael… Hummingbird is his codename I believe… Wonder what he’s here for…”’[/][/color] She shrugges and turns to Abbigaill kneeling to look at her, [color=990000]”Well It’s been awhile hasn’t it Squirt. Been what… Twelve… Maybe fourteen years?”[/color] she pauses for half a second before smirking, [color=990000]”Heh you might not even remember me it’s been so long,”[/color] she turns to look at Malthael as he start talking to Abbigaill. [hr] [color=9e0b0f]”Captain Fist? Captain Rainbow Fist, correct? Look I’m in a bit of a predicament as I need to get off this island and I don’t know how to captain a ship. Seeing as how you're a captain I would require your assistance. Name is Malthael Marcus Levi, I’m a shipwright and a bit of an inventor so-”[/color] He looked back to the rest of the people there, eyeing up his opponents. Funny enough he was crazy enough to do this. Plus he did have a few backup plans littered across the island. Set to go off roughly in five minutes. [color=9e0b0f]”Ready to get out of here?”[/color] He turned back to glance at her, the seriousness in his eyes shown past the laziness of them.