[s]Just FYI, the three nickname categories I gave in the CS template were more suggestions than a necessary rule. He can be called whatever you want, with as many or few names as you want. Even none if that's your wish. And yes, this is one setting where people can insist upon nicknames for themselves, since half the stalker population were criminals before they entered the Zone, and the other half [i]became[/i] criminals when they entered it. Anonymity will be important to many people. So any variety of thieves'-cant that you can think of is totally encouraged here. Also use whatever color you want, if [color=#CC5252]#CC5252[/color] is ugly in your opinion. I'll give this a proper review tomorrow but just off a perfunctory glimpse, these are two things you can alter, just in case you thought I would be pedantic over the formatting here. :)[/s] Fuck it, I'll do it now.