Mostly finished now, I'm still having issues with the Bio. Just can't help putting some Edge to him. [hr] [hider=Love Tap/ WIP] [img][/img] [color=f49ac2][h1]Nathaniel Sky // Love Tap[/h1][/color] Age: 20 Hero Rank: A Class, Rank 36 [hider=Appearance] [img][/img][/hider] Personality: Nathan gives off the air of an airheaded dork who likes fighting a bit too much, and for the most part you'd be correct. Nathan has no formal education and thus lacks most academic knowledge, however his natural cleverness and good instincts tend to make up for it in practical life. Making friends comes easily to Nathan, his genuine friendliness and charisma radiating out of him in a warm aura to those around him although forming true, lasting companionships is difficult with only two other people who can boast such a claim. Brief History: Nathan's story before he became Love Tap isn't something he talks much about, it was a dark time for him. On file it says he was born and raised in the harsher areas of City Z, his family too poor to allow him to go to school and instead did odd jobs from the time he was physically able. [hider=Abilities] [i]Fairy Connection:[/i] Fairies are metaphysical beings from another dimension, only ever coming to this plane to bond with young women to fight the forces of darkness. On Earth fairies gain a temporary physical body which they will use until they find a suitable host to bond with, giving the host incredible power at the cost of basically being conscripted into a war they had no knowledge about. [i]Suit Up:[/i] A ritual involving lots of lights, slight nudity, and an overabundance of heart shaped flower petals summons Nathan's "Tough Love Regalia". These clothes activate Nathan's powers, turning him into Love Tap [i]Enhanced Form:[/i] Tough Love Regalia increases Nathan's strength, durability, reflexes, and speed to superhuman levels. A good comparison to his abilities would be Puri Puri Prisoner. [i]Heart Power:[/i] The magic behind the man. All of Nathan's abilities are fueled by his desire to fight evil, his wish to protect the innocent, and his determination to finish a fight worth winning. In addition he is able to establish "Bonds", a metaphysical connection with another sentient being that links Love Tap and them together. Bonds allow Love Tap be empowered by that person's own determination, desire for justice, and fighting spirit however Love Tap [b][u]must[/u][/b] have a strong, positive relationship with the potential person. Theoretically with enough bonds and motivation, Love Tap's power could be limitless.[/hider] Skills: [i]Lookin Pretty:[/i] Nathan can make it work with even the most basic of makeup and clothes. [i]Cooking:[/i] Not having much to work with growing up forced Nathan to either cook well, or eat nasty food forever. He opted for the former over the latter. [i]First Aid:[/i] Not a certified nurse or anything, but he can stop your death in an emergency... probably. Possible Goals?: Fight the forces of darkness, be a good person, and to never be reduced to what he once was again. Other: [url=]Theme: You're On (Ft. Kyan) - Madeon[/url] He's [i]hella[/i] gay, though not very open about it. [/hider]