Larel gave a firm nod more than happy to go retrieve the tea, his memories of the capital were a mix of good and ill but he couldn't deny the delicacies offered were extremely tasty. At the mention of Alari's handling of the room Larel pat himself as the mention of a key, he wasn't handed one but he didn't put it past Alari to slip one on his person just to make things more difficult. "Nothing...I guess he just told the people what we look like." At the mention of stalking Mera his eye twitched, he was tired of the man continuously spending time with her but he couldn't stop the guy, as often as he's tried. That didn't mean he intended on giving up but he knew there were some battles he wasn't winning at the moment. He flinched a little at the word crush not wanting to imagine that possibility. A small sigh escaped from him before he rubbed the back of his head looking over at Hotaru, she had a valid point when it came to Mera. "I know Mera-sama can handle's just weird. I don't...hate Alari as much as I used too. I still want to kill him with every fiber of my being...but it's not as intense. I worry spending too much time around him makes it easy to see past the evil in that man's heart...I just fear Mera-sama will succumb to this as well." Taking a deep breath he shook his head trying to push the fear away. "You're right though...after all that's happened I don't see him acting up. Let's just focus on right now." Seeing a bit of red flow into Mera's face a small smile rested on Alari's, he didn't comment on it however not wanting to ruin the moment. Though at her mention of being second Alari held his hands up slightly chuckling a little to show it wasn't true. "Of course you're not Larel would have to be in a good mood for us to be left alone on a date, thus part of the reason for the stories," he said with smile. He gave a small nod at the mention of Larel raging, he rubbed the back of his neck able to imagine it, running through the streets waving his sword while yelling insult in his direction, it seemed so normal now. Alari's eyebrows arched at the idea of Hotaru distracting him however, it was thanks to him being with Hotaru that he had the opportunity to spend alone time with Mera at the festival. "...I'd feel guilty asking Hotaru that, though I can't deny it's not a bad idea..." Alari trailed off bringing a hand to his chin, he lowered it however as she brought up Larel again. He knew Larel could sometimes get involved in personal affairs without wholly thinking things true, that's where most of his trouble came from. "Well you are his precious master and friend, he's going to remind of that constantly, you know his record with me." When Mera brought up a symbol Alari lowered his gaze to the ground, he wasn't sure what would really represent him. Just picking a random object didn't seem like the right thing to do, as he thought about it he realized how difficult it was to define a person by a single symbol, or perhaps he was just thinking about it too hard. "I'm not sure...what do you see when you look at me," Alari said raising his gaze Mera. "Maybe that will help. Personally Mera you're my sun and moon, the dew falling off a flower from the morning mist, the shimmer of lights on a pure blue lake. Whenever I look at you I'm reminded of the small beauties in the world, just do the same for me."