[quote=@Polaris North] I'm not sure if this could be considered OP or not. I'll make sure to have my limits of course. [hider=Erika "The Puppeteer" Mikazuchi] [center][h3][color=ec008c]The Puppeteer - Unranked[/color][/h3][/center] [hr] [center][img]https://rr.img.naver.jp/mig?src=http%3A%2F%2Fimgcc.naver.jp%2Fkaze%2Fmission%2FUSER%2F20150722%2F67%2F6456807%2F19%2F4076x5910x410773c000be528fd4d4f5.jpg%2F300%2F600&twidth=300&theight=600&qlt=80&res_format=jpg&op=r[/img] [Left: Erika; Right: Ayu][/center] [color=ec008c]Name:[/color] Erika Mikazuchi [color=ec008c]Personality:[/color] Erika is quite an energetic person and is always seen with a smile on her face. She tends to see everything in a positive light. She tends to be the light to everyone around her as her happiness is quite contagious. Just being around her puts people in a good mood. She always seems to find hope in even the most dire of situations - and she would usually act on impulse to make this hope grow bigger, even at the risk of her own life. She tries hard to find a heart in villains and would tend to talk to them after they are in jail, or even after they are defeated - asking them to reform and such. Though under this very well placed facade is a broken girl who has gone through everything a young one shouldn't have. She is afraid of losing anyone else - even a stranger. It's the reason why she wants to risk her own life than another's. It's also the reason why she wants villains to reform, so they can have another shot at life. She doesn't want to see people get hurt; unless, of course, they were villains who are harming other people. If she were to choose between a million lives and one life, she would probably choose the former. Erika is a responsible girl - able to live alone at her age (19) and even get a shop running. She has been running it for two years now and business has been booming. She is also hardworking - working tirelessly for days with minimal sleep to give the best quality machine in the shortest time possible. This is an admirable trait of hers. She's also a smart girl, despite how air headed she may seem. [color=ec008c]Brief History:[/color] Erika... didn't have the best of lives. Born and raised by two mechanics, she was introduced to machinery at a very young age. She had been tinkering with them at the young age of five. They were a happy family, to be honest. They only made enough to go by so she never had the chance to actually go to school so she learned everything from her parents, but that was fine for her. She was still able to play with children her age at the local park and spend more time with her family and machinery. However, everything went wrong when she was ten years old. An unknown villain caused a disturbance in the peaceful city. It was unintentional, their deaths. The shop collapsed and her parents were crushed under the debris. She had been crying. The villain escaped and the heroes attempted to help the girl by digging up the rubble to hopefully find her parents alive. They weren't. She was sent to an orphanage but she didn't want to stay. She escaped at the age of fourteen and lived in an abandoned house for a while. She was working odd jobs here and there to get some spare money. It was when she was sixteen that she found out about her powers. A mechanic had seen her and picked her up, asking if she wanted to work for him, seeing her skill with machinery (partially because of her experience and her power). The man died a year later, apparently he was looking for an heir to the shop and he chose Erika. She's been living alone again after that, now with at least some money. She built Ayu and Razor soon after and gave them life. They became her companions. She had lately taken the Hero test to at least get some more money. While business was going fine, she wants to get some more money for better equipment. She was only able to build Ayu and Razor because of the fact that her master had some pretty important metals lying around. [hr] [color=ec008c]Abilities:[/color] [list] [*] [b][u]Animation:[/u][/b] To be more frank, Erika has the ability to place life into any inorganic object - from guns to tanks to robots, she could give them life - a personality, free will and such. They tend to work in tandem with her or follow her orders, but they are free to do whatever they wish to. However, Erika also has the ability to take away the life given to one of the creations. Though she can also give life to pictures (bringing them to the real world), elements and etc., she tends to do it mostly on robots. [*] [b][u]Technological Manipulation:[/u][/b] Erika can manipulate technology to an extent. She uses this in tandem whenever she creates new things - guns or otherwise. She knows what set piece of device can do and how she would use it is entirely up to her. She can 'see' what a device could do and also its intricate circuits. However, she cannot manipulate something bigger than a netbook. Anything more complicated/bigger than that, she would have to use her own hands. She can still see what it does, but only up to there. [/list] [color=ec008c]Current Dolls:[/color] [hider=Ayu] Appearance seen above Erika's longest surviving doll who has been fitted with one of the most durable metals found on Earth and Erika continues to work on her. She is fitted with an anti-material rifle that can transform into an arm and vice versa. Though this one would take a long time to charge before it could fire and then it would take a while to cool down. On her left arm though is a semi-automatic rifle that shoots out compacted plasma energy. When the anti-material rifle is fired, she cannot use her secondary weapon. In terms of personality, Ayu is a silent type of person. She isn't shy or anything but she will not speak up when she doesn't have anything to say. She tends to be helpful. Though she is painfully honest, to the point of having no breaks when she wants to say something. Like most of the robots, she is protective of Erika and will move if something threatens Erika. [/hider] [hider=Razor] [center][img]http://data.whicdn.com/images/205359216/large.jpg[/img][/center] The second longest surviving doll she has that is modeled after her long dead brother. Her second most important project, next to Ayu. Razor is made of the same metal as Ayu, light but durable to an extent. Modeled exactly after his name, he can turn his arms to razor sharp blades and a layer of plasma over it that could cut through virtually anything given enough force. He is built to be fast and so he is, his specs allows him to go over a hundred kilometers per hour. Maybe an upgrade could make him go faster but he would burn up if he went faster at this level. Retractable blades are found on his shoulder blades and there are five feet in length when extended fully. In terms of personality, Razor is an extremely loyal, butler-like person. He gets a kick out of teasing other people and often shows sadistic tendencies. If given the chance, he would most likely draw out a fight just to keep on attacking an enemy. Erika keeps him in a very tight leash. Like almost every robot, he is loyal and protective of Erika and will respond aggressively when she is threatened. He can even drop threats every now and then when he sees someone who would most likely harm Erika. [b][u][/u][/b] [/hider] [color=ec008c]Skills:[/color] [list] [*] [u]Techno:[/u] Skilled in the arts of making anything technology-related, it is one of the main reasons why her power plays well into her everyday life. She runs a mechanic shop by herself and her robots. Though she tends to work on prosthetics, machinery, computers and the like. She can't exactly make robots left and right yet, lest they malfunction. [*] [u]Household chores:[/u] Seeing as she lived by herself for quite some time before acquiring her dolls, she learned how to do a multitude of household chores. She's just as good with food as she is with techno stuff. [/list] [color=ec008c]Possible Goals?:[/color] Reform the villains one way or another! [color=ec008c]Other:[/color] [list] [*] She's reached her max limit for humanoid dolls and she'd have to destroy one if she wants to make another. Unless she powers up. [*] Currently, she can bring around three smaller toys to life and use them for maybe reckon or strapping them with a small bomb. [/list] [/hider] [/quote] The Guardian Alister may have come to her for a bionic eye and prosthetic arm. Don't know if your interested in this being a thing