Chara sighs and looks around before leaving the shop unable to hide anything she wanted to buy and makes her way out of the Market district but stops to look at the jewellery shop through the windows, enjoying the site of the beautiful shining silver and gold necklaces, and all of the magnificent multicoloured gems and stones, with their different shades of pinks, blues, purples, yellows, and a few orange ones, but there weren't very many orange coloured gemstones during this time of year. She then makes her way past a small art shop where they were pottery in one window unpainted with a sig saying "Pottery classes all this week" and in the other one there were what seems like a painting class being held in front of the window, this puzzled her for a bit but she didn't think it was that important so she just walked passed it and kept walking. {I do enjoy a good look around the market... I hope one day I could actually buy something.} Chara huffs then swipe a small green apple off a fruit stand and make her way out of the Market district before biting down into the apple. She aimlessly walks around with one hand in her pocket, the other holding the apple has she eats it. The cold metal blade on her dagger tapping against her bare skin has she walks, which was expertly hidden under her pant's on her thigh. She lightly closed her eyes and continued to walk around not noticing that she walks right up to the City Guard HQ. Chara slowly opens her eyes and looks around puzzled about where she is, before she saw the big City Guard HQ building. Her eyes widen and she freezes in places unsure of where to run, where she is at all, and what to do. So she just froze in place with her apple in her jaw as if she was in the middle of taking a bite. Chara was smack-dab in the middle of the building looking head on at, she was in the middle of the walkway and out in the open for any guard member to come out and grab her, right then and right there without a fight. [@KoL]