[h2][color=springgreen]Edo-Karn/Karn || Crocus || Phoenix Wing Hotel[/color][/h2] It took some time to finally pull herself away from the airship, as she would rather spend all night on it. She was pretty sure she almost got it working again, so maybe she can come back a little later and fiddle with it some more. For now, she pushed the doors open and walked into the building of the hotel. Briefly glancing around, emerald eyes their usual emotionless self before continuing on. Lacking interest it seemed to whoever was around, though the excited chitter of her counterpart could be said otherwise. [color=lime][i]"Ooo Oooo!!! We should totally clean up and get ready to dance and sing! Eat lots of cake! Hug everyone! Oh oh and maybe try and make a record of dance partners at a ball!"[/i][/color] came the voice of the Earthlander, chittering away a mile a minute. They certainly didn't look party material, as their clothes were covered in oil, dirt, and grime. Blonde hair dishevled, face almost completely black minus around the eyes thanks to the now black covered goggles that we're currently resting on this bodies' forehead. Edo-Karn didn't quite care though, minorly shrugging her shoulders in response as she resumed her walk. Her control over this body now a bit stronger than the owners, that even his excitement didn't force her out of it. It be quite simple to just take it but even if she did, this body could use some rework. Today had been another unsuccessful day of finding a way home. She didn't have much faith, if any in the Earthlander assistance, this world's Karn was basically a useless buffoon, and she lacked a bit of knowledge of the rules here. Though she did read a good amount of books in order to play some catch up. By the hour though, it was getting more difficult. Logically, it would have been better to stay dead. Such is the way with her luck she supposed though. Walking to the counter of the bar, she took a silent breath. [color=springgreen]"A sandwich please. Something with a lot of protein."[/color] Edo-Karn said, waiting as the clerk soon enough handed her a plate with a simple sandwich with some sort of meat with who the fuck knows. Absently, she ate it, slowly much to the Earthlander's disappointment who just wanted to Hoover it.