[@Buddha] Okay, looks good for the most part - have a few questions and some things that need a bit of correcting. Residence - You just have London, need a bit more there. (Can refer to old maps of London for inspiration or make something up and just put something along the lines of "Harold's House" Gentry area of town, or "Miss Pennyworths Whore House in the Red Light District" lol - Just something to go off of. (I will be creating a general map as we progress through out the RP with markers for where places are) Income - Add in a brief title for Occupation and generally how much he pulls in a month or year if you could. (I can provide a link to a website for Pound Value during this period if needed.) Residence Part 2 - You have nothing listed under his residence in the items section. Do you want to keep that completely vacant come the start of the RP or did you want some ideas to place in there? Anything else - You are missing one bit that needs to be added - it's in the rules section. You hit one, missed the other. Color - That might need a change, will just depend on who else joins the Rp and what they use to read the forum. (It may end up being too dark for them to be able to read without highlighting. If it ends up I can change out the code for you if it is an issue.) Relations - Okay with the family members in the History, remember you will need to have a basic relations filled in for them on the relation sheet before we begin. (Nothing you have to worry about now mind you but it will come into play so you might want to go ahead and think on how close or estranged you want them to be currently. You will be able to pull them into play later on as your personal NPC's.) Other than that, should be good. Will do a final review once I put the OOC up (Will need the CS posted there in the OOC once it is created for official final review.) Have any questions just hit me up. We have some others working on sheets as well, hopefully I will have Milli's up tomorrow sometime with her beginning relations to help give people some ideas.