[color=fff200]"It's not that..well, not mostly"[/color] But how could she explain, when she couldn't even figure it out in her own mind? She watched him walk away to get dressed, and for a moment she was distracted thinking that that was such a shame. There was so much...and here she was disappointed that he was putting on clothes. [color=fff200]"Not really, pizza is pizza, its all fantastic"[/color] Bemused at herself, she put the salve away, and sat crossed legged, placing the album in her lap, laying her hand on its cover. [color=fff200]"I think...that Aleida is trying to find a way to let witches keep their powers when turned. we aren't imortals, and we're highly suseptible to all sorts of things. We're human, really with....the ability to cast spells. She's sacrificing Coven members to do vampires dirty work. She's going to destroy my parents coven"[/color] the thought of the coven her parents had worked so hard on being destroyed by that vile woman was a nightmare to Callie, but she couldn't do anything. And that seemed to make it a hundred times worse. [@Kyrisse]