Sarah was lost in thought, in wanting a cigarette desperately, brought back to reality by Charlie's tugging on her sleeve. She looked towards him, a hint of worry in her eyes. but, she rationalized, perhaps their ride home had arrived. She followed the direction of his finger, eyes narrowed in disappointment and in annoyance as a stranger and his daughter, or who Sarah assumed to be his daughter, approaching them. The girl clung to the man's side as if she was afraid, but the way she looked towards Charlie and the way Charlie moved his hands, Sarah assumed the two had known each other at some point. Still, Sarah didn't know them, and she didn't like the man being nosy. "You don't need to know what happened to him, mind your own business. Is that your thing, you go up to people leaving a hospital and ask them what happened? That's really creepy, man. Leave us alone, we're fine." Sarah spoke, her words and her tone matching her annoyance with the stranger. The man's daughter, unable to hear what Sarah was saying and not as skilled in lip reading as one with years of experience behind them, instead began signing towards Sarah, unaware that Sarah wasn't looking in her direction, too focused on shouting down her father. The girl, Emily, stopped signing when she noticed the older girl not paying attention, instead she looked towards Charlie, her eyes frought with worry.