[hider=Jonathan] [center] [Img]https://storage.googleapis.com/imgfave/image_cache/1326225312231343.png[/img] [h2][b]Jonathan II Jones[/b][/h2] [b]Age[/b]: 27 | [b]Date Of Death[/b]: 1937 | [b]Height[/b]: 180 cm | [b]Weight[/b]: 73 kg [b]Greatest Love[/b]: Power | [b]Greatest Fear[/b]: Losing it. [b]Method of Death[/b] Choking on his ring while being forced to swallow it. [b]Bio[/b] Since a young age he had already learned about the things that drive the world around. Money and power. And from that age he did everything he could to achieve them. Be it building favors by blackmailing or killing others, exploiting loopholes in the system to avoid paying taxes and even scam people off their money, yeah, he did all of it. But he sealed his fate by marrying the daughter of a men he had killed. He took a sick pleasure while always reminding her who killed her father when they were getting intimate. He always wore her family ring, formerly belonging to her late father, at all times serving as a constant reminder of who was in control. One night, the young girl, after suffering through a particular session of abuse, both mental and physical, decided to carry out her plan which she had been plotting for weeks. Taking out a paralyses poison from where she hid it, gently and as smoothly as possible inserted it on Jonathan's sleeping form. He always had a drink before going to bed, that night though, he fell absolutely wasted. As the poison entered his lips, within seconds he awoke barely being able to breath. This chemical was mostly used on tortures, the target felt like breathing through a pipe but never lost consciousness or died. For what seemed like hours Jonathan writhed in agony barely staying conscious and suddenly the girl got the ring from his finger, looking at it melancholically for a moment then turning to him and saying:"As much as you liked this ring in life, you will forever carry it in death. A memento of who had the power in the end."- with that she shoved the ringed in his throat, watching him squirm for a few more seconds then darkness... [b]Stunning Weapon[/b] His cane which is a hidden single shot rifle rifle using R.I.P. bullets. [b]Sealing Weapon[/b] The black golden ring with a dark green gem on top. If you look at the gem closely, you can make hundreds upon hundreds of dark little shadows floating around. [/center] [/hider]