[h2][center][color=fff200]Sinfjotli[/color][/center][/h2] [@ShadowKingman] [@PKMNB0Y] [@KoL] [@Raineh Daze] [hr] From all around the room noises of disapproval and condemnation made themselves known at Sinfield's outburst. He wheeled around, cloak fanning about him as he turned to face his detractors. He blinked staring down at his small Master as she brandished her Command Spells at him and demanded he stand down. Opposite her the Master of the Golden Servant was even more strident, drawing a massive weapon that made him do a double take despite himself. It looked like nothing so much as an enormous hunk of raw stone, a weapon more fitting for a Jotun than a slender Magi with milk white skin. Despite its size she swung it with commendable speed and smashed one of the nearby tables to kindling. Whoever this witch was she then completely ruined her impressive introduction by making some kind of troublesome shrill noise regarding his reasons for being here. It was the narrow eyed look of disdain that the beautiful shieldmaiden was giving him that cinched his social defeat however. Looking from one of his critics to the other he wavered for a moment... and then broke. "[color=fff200]Bah![/color]" He gave the entire room a dismissive wave and strode away from the table, slumping into one of the nearby benches and planting his feet in a wide stance before him. Slowly the tension in his shoulders eased, though his expression remained foul. If he felt at all ashamed of his outburst he gave little sign and less apology. [color=fff200]"Go on then Maiden, try his arm if you will. Or let us be done with this contest and try another! Unless you would all rather stand there gawking."[/color] He leaned backwards to look at her directly and scowled harder when he saw that she had shed her physical form. [color=fff200]"Are you leaving so soon? We've hardly even begun!"[/color]