[@Caits] [color=turquoise]"Honestly, hybrids give me the creeps. Nothing against our vampire neighbors... I should hate them, probably. But no, I have nothing against them. But being half vampire and half wolf? There's something there that bothers me. Something that doesn't feel right. Of course I can't say I've met any."[/color] He shrugged and in no time wolfed down the first box of pizza. He nodded. [color=turquoise]"Yeah, pizza's always nice."[/color] He nudged the second box towards her and then stood up. He came back with two glasses of water. He took another slice of pizza and bit into it, a thoughtful look on his face. [color=turquoise]"So, any ideas on how to take back your coven? I mean, after all that ruckus we made back there, they'd eventually figure out that you've been there. I'm guessing that they'd know a wolf has been there too... Hmmm... maybe they were even hoping for you to show up. If I hadn't been with you, you'd probably be dead or turned into a vampire by now."[/color]