[@The1Rolling1Boy] Claudia grinned softly, albeit not much to expose her fangs. [color=ed145b]~"Claudia, dear. [i]Charmed[/i] to meet you."~[/color] She introduced herself with a curtsey of her dress. [color=ed145b]~"I must say, sweetie, I had no idea you were the guardian spirit of the Hills. I am truly honored to be in your presence."~[/color] She giggled holding her hand to her lips. Had she a drop of blood in her veins, then certainly Claudia's cheeks would be red. [color=ed145b]~"Ah, and forgive me, my dear. I will be sure to summon you properly next time. You are quite adorable, I will admit."~[/color] She said with a charming smirk.