Ok, that's everything done. [@ClocktowerEchos], should I port them over? [hider=AUC] [center][IMG]http://i67.tinypic.com/5bcrxv.png[/IMG] [h1][/h1][h2][sup][sup][i][color=000000]In unity, we find strength[/color][/i][/sup][/sup][/h2][hr][hr][/center][h2][sub][b][u] Common Name [/u][/b][/sub][/h2] [indent]Overall Conglomerate: AUC, The Conglomerate, Auckie Australasian Excavation and Forging: AEAF, DrillCorp Oceania Farming and Fisheries: OFF, Foodie Ours is (the) future: Future Tech, OIF, OITF Australian International Security: OzSec, the army, AIS[/indent] [h2][sub][b][u] Origins [/u][/b][/sub][/h2] [indent]When James King first founded King Excavations and Smithing, he probably never imagined that his small outback mining business would one day rule most of Oceania. Throughout most of its existence, KES was a rather average mining business, just one of thousands in Australia, that made its money through the mining and refining of iron, and subsequently coal, mostly exporting back to England, to support the booming industry there. It was only in 1980, when then-CEO Connor King decided to do something revolutionary, and start mining uranium, that the business really took off. In just two short decades, they grew from two mines and a small office in Sydney to one of the biggest mining companies in Australia, and they had picked the perfect time to do it. They were one of the first to start mining Uranium in Australia, and they sold it for vastly inflated prices, until the industry caught up with them and they were forced to drop the price, but the ball had already started rolling. Plumbob Fishing and Farming was the first company that they merged with, and it was here that they soldified themselves firmly in the Australasian market. By 2020, Ours is the Future had joined them, and they had officially undergone name changes into what we know and serve under today, as well as formally declaring themselves a conglomerate. During the increasingly risky times of the mid-to-late 2020's, they not only lobbied heavily and got many of the higher-ups in the conglomerate into government, they also created AIS PMC. This turned out to be a very good move. By the time of the collapse, they were already a huge company, with links to the Australian and New Zealand government, vested interests in China and India, and were world leaders in bioengineering and genetic tinkering, having made a breakthrough in anti-aging technology. In 2031 however, this all changed. As the Australian Government was about to collapse, their political links allowed them to call a snap election, and with a PR push, the first CEO/President of AUC got into power. What followed was a series of systematic political assassinations in order to seize total control. By 2039, they declared war on Australia, and the infamous ground invasion that followed marked what would be the beginnings of hundreds of human rights violations. New Zealand was half-destroyed by the soldiers, and many looters were executed in the largest crackdown the AUC has ever done. Soon after, they declared Australia to be no more, and for the entire controlled territory to be the United Subcontinent of Oceania, or simply just Oceania.[/indent] [h2][sub][b][u] Leadership [/u][/b][/sub][/h2] [indent]The Conglomerate's leadership consists of nine men and women, two representatives from each sub-corporation and then the president of Australia, who is the official CEO of the entire organisation. Whilst the representatives are elected from each companies' elites, the CEO position is hereditary, and goes down the line to the original founder of the AEAF. The CEO holds executive power, however s/he can be outvoted by the representatives. The CEO is also the only person capable of authorising Order 001, giving Department 5 permission to deploy a dirty bomb at a specified target.[/indent] [h2][sub][b][u] Major Industries/Brands/Subsidiaries [/u][/b][/sub][/h2] [indent]AEAF (Australasian Excavation and Forging) The original company founded by ex-penal colonist James King. Pre-fall, this company was the singular most powerful and largest mining company in the entirety of Australia, and they have continued their operations, and it's due to their efforts that bauxite, gold, uranium and much more has kept coming out of the ground. OFF (Oceania Farming and Fisheries) The second company to join the conglomerate, this company deals in more traditional ranches and farms, as well as biodomes, fishery operations, and more recently, have been managing offshore oil rigs as well. They work closely with both AIS and OIF. OIF (Ours is (the) future) The third company that joined the corporation, they're a technological and scientific research team specialising in genetic engineering and biotechnology, and are responsible for the breakthrough in biodome technology that OFF uses so much. AIS (Australian International Security) The conglomerate's PMC and also a global security firm, largely comprised of ex-soldiers and hired mercenaries. They provide armed guards for everything, be it the transfer of valuable materials to actual land invasions. Also, the official army of Australia.[/indent] [h2][sub][b][u] Company Culture [/u][/b][/sub][/h2] [indent]The conglomerate prides itself on being the best and biggest in their fields, a remnant of their former glory as Australia's biggest mining company. They provide nationals with a quality of life few others can afford, but cover up what would be horrendous human rights violations towards foreign workers. They are also notoriously ethically dubious when it comes to their mines and military; invasions by AIS often results in mass killings, theft, arson and rape, and thousands die in preventable mine accidents every year.[/indent] [h2][sub][b][u] Security Detail [/u][/b][/sub][/h2] [indent]AIS, better known as OzSec, is not only the official army of Australia, but also an international security firm, responsible for the takeover of New Zealand in 2039. They're mostly comprised of members of the disbanded ADF, however foreign soldiers and mercenaries have been known to fill their ranks. Department 5. Whilst not technically an actual company, Department Five is essentially a secret service. They specialise in industrial sabotage and espionage, however their most potent weapon is when they are authorised for Order 001. Department 5 does not have an official product, and is not officially part of the overall conglomerate. [/indent] [/hider] [hider=Melinda King] [center][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/35/ad/6e/35ad6e9992f5507db6a0edc2ce870fa5.jpg[/img] [h1]CEO Melinda King[/h1][h2][sup][sup][i]"Remember, if they don't know what's happening, it's [b]not[/b] happening."[/i][/sup][/sup][/h2][hr][hr][/center][h2][sub][b][u] General Information [/u][/b][/sub][/h2] [indent]Melinda Carson King 35 Female 18th August[/indent] [h2][sub][b][u] History [/u][/b][/sub][/h2] [indent]Like every CEO since the rise of AUC as political leaders, Melinda is a direct descendant of the original colonist who founded AEAF. Born in Canberra to then- CEO Adam King and his wife Joanne Caraway, she was groomed to become the leader of the corporation almost from as soon as she could read, learning the ins and outs of both business and the world. She never studied with other students, and in fact had a very isolated childhood. When her father was diagnosed with terminal lung cancer, he announced that he would be stepping down. As her mother didn't want to take over the business, and having come of age almost ten years earlier, both her father and the board of directors agreed that she was qualified enough for the job, and she has been serving the company faithfully for the past 8 years.[/indent] [h2][sub][b][u] Personality [/u][/b][/sub][/h2] [indent]Known to be one of the shrewdest of the Kings for decades, Melinda has a keen mind for both profit and negotiation, and is famous within the board of directors for convincing AIS General Jonathan Heer to step down without bloodshed. She's also notorious within her social circle for sleeping around, and despite recommendations from her directors to settle down at last, has continued on doing so. Publicly, both as President and as CEO, she's regarded as an intimidating woman, and her unusual height (6') combined with her tendecny to never be seen in public without wearing a pair of 2" heels has certainly aided her in this mission. Her public messages have been short and concise, and those that live under her often regard her as a bit of a phantom, rarely making public messages and delegating most jobs to her various ministers.[/indent] [h2][sub][b][u] Relations [/u][/b][/sub][/h2] [indent]Although her father died four years ago, her mother is still alive and well, if getting on a bit. She has an excellent relationship with both of her younger siblings, and indeed her younger brother is on the board of directors as a delegate from OFF, with whom he works with very closely. As previously mentioned, she has few long-term romantic partners, her life being dotted with relations of a month or two, and only one person managing to stay with her and her rather hectic lifestyle for longer than a year. Socially however, she maintains a number of friends, both within the board of directors and outside it, and prides herself in knowing many world leaders personally.[/indent] [/hider]