I would be interested in running a school rp from the eye of the teachers and staff, you can be anything from the school nurse to the principal, passing through teachers both permanent and substituting, and events and shenanigans will happen, from an emergency to a chance for you to cshow your skill in a free period, all could happen. Half comedy and half drama, as life often is, this will be separated in days, with each days separated in periods where a sole even will happen, with Mornings, Lunchbreaks and Evening free for character freestyle interactions. With five periods per day and thus that many events, this will surely be an action packed year! You will start as a new staff to the newly constructed Windford Elementary Academy, and will have to improve both yourself and your charges as times go on, for nothing is eternal, and you must be prepared for everything. I will try to make a fluid and enjoyable world and tale for you to experience and bring to life with my input as I will give you various NPCs and events to work with, myself taking the role of the janitor and cleaning up after the messes. So I ask you: are you interested?