[@DepressedSoviet] Accepted! And I have two interesting facts about your profile, if you want to hear them. The first is how the images work. I designed the app such that if you [u]click an armored image[/u], the page will redirect you to the portrait of his unarmored countenance. This is so other players can see what lies underneath the masks and clothing only if they really want to, with no unnecessary spoilage. Your image, then, will look like this:[hider][center][code][url=UNARMORED_IMAGE_URL] [img] ARMORED_IMAGE_URL [/img] [/url][/code] [url=http://orig10.deviantart.net/cfe4/f/2011/251/b/d/bearded_man_1_hr_speed_drawing_by_zeldat-d499nso.jpg][img]http://i65.tinypic.com/29ut64w.png[/img][/url][/center][/hider] The second thing is that depending on the single-action revolver, it actually [i]is[/i] common practice to load only five of the six cylinders, because until someone actually designed a solution for this problem, the hammer rested against the firing pin, which rested against the cartridge primer. As you can see [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ldHPNnsp-cs]here[/url], this is why the S.A.S.S. (Single-Action Shooting Society) loads only five bullets at a time; even if their guns are more modern versions sporting protection bars, a tradition arose from the older single-actions which had this "bug." So it would have been dangerous for people to be riding around with fully loaded guns which could shoot them in the leg if something smacked into their holsters. Just a fun fact.