As he lay on the ground, muttering curse words and holding his tail, Fisk suddenly felt a soothing sensation on his stamped tail. With a breath of relief, the newcomer’s cooling waters relieved him of his bruise, and he let go, standing himself up. With a panicked jump, he noted that he was out of his disguise, and backed away quickly. Scurrying like a terrified insect, he backed up into a post, instinctively curling his tail around it. Promptly, it disappeared as his disguise cloaked his fur and extra appendage like a heat-induced mirage. “…Er, yeah, it worked. I feel pretty great, but… don’t mind me too much,” He scoffed sideways as he slowly regained his confidence. “Armin does this to me every time we meet someone new. Blasted doe has something against me.” Armin watched the miniature fiasco, touching his hand to his forehead and sighing audibly. “I wouldn’t have to if you stopped putting up that ridiculous— ‘Doe’ is for female--“ Armin stopped himself, taking a moment to regain his calm demeanor. “Gah, just ignore the oaf for now. He’ll be fine. You’d think he’d be used to that, by now.” With a more cheery look, he turned to the water mage that bothered to help out his insignificant other. “I’m glad you’re fascinated by our appearance, but I’m afraid our marsupial friend here isn’t very comfortable with how he really is.” Walking up to approach the wizard, he noted how much younger he appeared to be compared to everyone. “Say, that’s some fancy water magic you have, there. I don’t think we [i]have[/i] a water mage at the moment..” Turning his head back slightly, looked at Vocalia squarely in the eye while fixing his tie with his hands. “Vocalia, we don’t have a wizard with card magic either, I don’t think.” Retreating to his own thoughts, Armin recalled their encounter with that Homunculus 100… something or other. No, Fisk was right, Index was easier. Once Fisk decides you’re joining the guild, he’ll never let go until you have that mark [i]somewhere[/i] on your body. With a contemplative look, Armin turned around to face his guildmate. "Vocalia, what do you think? Should I go fetch the Master and see about some new members?" he inquired, with little regard for their new compatriot's consent.