[hider=Eyes] [hider=Technical Data] [h2] Technical data [/h2] [b] Name: Ashmir Sparlev - Callsign 'Eyes'[/b] [b] Species: Human - Coruscant[/b] [b] Age: 28[/b] [b] Gender: Female[/b] [b] Faction: Jedi Strike Team[/b] [b] Rank: Republic Special Forces Sergeant[/b] [b] [s]Master[/s] Commander: Captain Vebra [/b] [b] Former master(s): Non-Important/N.a[/b] [/hider] [hider=Concerning You] [h2] Concerning you [/h2] [h3] You are on a mission. How did you dress for it? What else can you say about your looks? [/h3] [hider=Image of Eyes] [img]https://i37.servimg.com/u/f37/16/77/80/76/concep10.jpg[/img] [/hider] I've got my fair share of scars, not just what you see- and no, I don't give a blast if you stare or not. They mostly came from the same fight that went sour, before I got it in my head that running away was a viable strategy of survival. As for what I wear, I tend to keep to a moderate amount of armor, mostly plating on the torso and legs, but keep my arms mobile and free to maneuver. The only thing I keep on 'em are the bracers the Captain helped acquire, said I'd need 'em on this mission to keep a sith's saber away. I'm not complaining, I just don't want to be within 100 meters of a sith if I can help it. Cap' said they were Cortosis, and they aren't restrictive or hindering in any way, so I don't mind it. As for my gear, I've got a fairly standard kit; I keep my sniping blaster close at all times, and on each wrist I keep a set of grappling-launchers so make quick escapes. Somewhat more of a personal touch, and a personal favorite, are the recon drones I keep up to maintenance and tinkered with. They're primarily reconnaissance tools, but I admit that I've done my fair share of sabotage with them- give 'em a blaster or set 'em to blow, and they'll do some damage if they get the drop on something. I keep a vibro-knife close to hand for emergencies, but the biggest part of my repertoire lies in my utility tools like the drones. Speaking of utility tools, I keep an small assortment of repulsor, sonic, thermal detonators on hand for emergencies, and a few mines because when I set up shop I might need to hold position for a while and don't want to be snuck up on. Otherwise, the only other piece of equipment of note is the stealth field generator. A must have, mind you, I never leave home without it. [h3] In order to confront the Sith, you need to be strong. Name one weakness or flaw you have identified but not neutralized. [/h3] I've got a Grade 'A' glass jaw. Can't take a hit worth a blast, and I've taken quite a few as is. That's why I keep so far away if I can help it, and got so blasted fast on my feet. I don't belong in the middle of a fight if I can help it. But I digress, I can't take a hit worth a blast one bit. [h3] Fighting Sith is not easy. How do you plan to use the Force for this? [/h3] I don't plan on using the force, 'cos I can't. I can't touch that mystical magic of the Jedi one bit, but don't count me out because of that. [h3] So, you can't use the force… but what else can you do? [/h3] I'm a blasted good shot, but if that were it I wouldn't be on this team, now would I? I'm also trained in the use of stealth generation fields and reconnaissance tools- they don't call me 'Eyes' for nothin'. I'm also handy with drones, mostly use them to get eyes where mine can't reach, but I've rigged some drones up to go out with a bang, or put a shot on target. You'd be surprised how useful they can be in skilled hands. These aside, I'm also trained to use the vibro-knife and some hand-to-hand, but if I'm ever that close to the bad guys I've karked up something fierce... Other than that, the only other thing to note is that I've gotten pretty blasted handy with a grappling hook over the years- it's gotten me out of some pretty sticky situations. But that's all boring combat stuff, I'm also a pretty blasted good cook, if by being 'good' you mean 'they didn't die when they ate it'. [hider= Something got me to join this mission] [h3] Something got you to join this mission. What was it? What events shaped your life? [/h3] I was sitting in some seedy cantina. Again. The data pad in my hand just couldn't hold my focus, what with the highly distracting beverage in my other hand and the raucous music of the band urging me to jump up to my feet and dance along. I was beginning to regret my choice of locale until my eyes scanned the next data entry and a chill crept its way up my neck. Chills like this rarely occurred these days- too many blaster shots in my direction, too many minutes of held breath... Too many lightsabers to the face. So when these sorts of chills happened...well, I guess you could say they made me soldier up. I was going through the squad transference forms. For us spec ops, this was some bureaucracy druk. Cap had requested I be shifted to his team though, so it needed to be done. I wasn't really complaining about filling the forms out, but sometimes questions like this just make you think back to things you'd rather not remember... "Cap wants to know about my past, huh?" I mumbled to myself, my voice drowned out by the music so close at hand. I settled my nerves with a swig of my drink, then set to the task at hand... [hider= "My Past..."] [i]Place of Birth: Coruscant Parents: Unknown [/i] The programming was a bit clever and re-asked the question, and I have to say it did make a difference. [i]Guardian(s): The Kings [/i] Now I know what you're thinking- who the kark are 'The Kings'. Well, if I'm gonna be honest with ya, I didn't come from a very pretty home life. Didn't have two parents, and barely had the one. I got picked up by the Kings and they might as well have been my family. Needless to say, I got out of there as fast as I could. Not that I don't appreciate what the Kings did for me, just...A girl has to aspire to be more than a gangster, right? [i]Previous occupations: N/A, served the Republic my whole life[/i] This was only a bit of a lie, but on an official form they didn't need to know about what I did for the Kings. If the captain wanted to know the specifics of that life, he could ask me in person. I didn't need a record of petty crimes bogging down my military track. [i]Current Occupation: Special Operations Sergeant, designated reconnaissance and marksman operative[/i] I wasn't sure why they had to ask me that. Must be a bureaucracy thing. For sure they knew what my job was, but who am I to question Republic methods? I'd jump through hoops if they told me to, and I may even like that druk too. [i]Married: No[/i] And happily left single, at that. I've a decided [b]dis[/b]interest in commitments at the moment, thank you. If anything I'm married to my drones and blaster rifle, and have been having a horrendous marital affair with a few high explosives from time to time. [i]describe your childhood[/i] Well. Gee. No foreplay, huh? Just gotta jump right in...Well, let's get to it then... [i]I was an orphan girl in the slums. Nothing cute to say about this, it's just who I was. By the time you hit around the age of five, you're either dead or in someone else's pocket and seeing as I'm still alive I guess you could say that I found a pocket to sit in. I was taken care of by a relatively small gang known as 'The Kings'. In lower Coruscant, their territory mostly consisted of control of a few small shops and a bar they kept running as a front for their hideout. What they had that nobody else in the underworld did was class, though. At least, that's what they advertised. Regardless, they're the reason I had food on my plate and a bed to sleep in for the better part of my youth, but I didn't want to be in the slums with only a dream of what the sky looked like to drive me on, so I found my way to a recruitment office and signed on with the Republic Military. I lied on the form, said I was older than I was, and with no references to list and no real official records to cite, there wasn't much reason to doubt me at that time. I wanted to get out of the underworld before more than its slang became habit to me. Luckily enough they bought my story and I was taken in for a more thorough evaluation, which was what put me on the track to the special operations branch I ended up on. By the time I was through training and conditioning, the rest of this story is on official record that I'm sure you can get ahold of cap. [/i] I kept it brief, didn't want to remember too much. It was a bad time for me and the only reason I mentioned lying on the original recruitment form was because the cap and I had already established a rapport, so to speak, and I'm sure he wouldn't give me much druk for that now. Certainly not after everything I've been through for the Republic. [/hider] I looked away from the data pad after filling out these fields. The music that had been so distracting moments ago was now so far from my mind I hadn't even realized the bands had changed. It wasn't so much the prior fields that had me thinking at this point, it was the next one. [i]Why do you deserve to be on my team[/i] That was a question that kicked me in the teeth. Well druk. I could've given any number of excuses and reasons to join this squad, but one in particular burned in my mind as I uploaded information to the data pad. Specifically, I uploaded my medical records from six years ago and a rather thorough report I had made on the event that karked up my face. I tend to just call it 'The Incident' these days. I'm a glutton for the drama. [hider="The Incident..."] It was remarkable, how easily old hunting tactics came back to him as he worked his way through the brush. His cybernetic eye was dimmed, and the rest of his cybernetic enhancements covered in natural camouflage. The others at the base had offered technological disguises for it, but he shunned it. Technology had a tendency to fail, whereas nature always provided, and only failed if you let it. That said, as a massive Trandoshan, there was only so much Sish could do to be stealthy. Most prey on Trandosha was just as big and had a tendency to fight back. He somehow doubted Republic Scouts would do either. So it came as little surprise when she was ready for him. Of course, that mattered little when she was facing a Sith Lord. But he respected her courage, for all it did her. His lightsaber came up, deflecting her blaster shot as his other hand shot out, calling the Force to pin her down. She was slammed onto the ground, immobilized. Sish grinned as he approached, eyeing the woman. “My, my aren’t you a pretty one?” He remarked, crouching next to her. “I’ll be nice. Tell me where your camp is, and I won’t give you too the male troopers to vent out some frustrations.” The woman’s body struggled, in futility, but her hand remained gripped, one part in defiance one part in fear, around the handle of her blaster pistol. The larger sniping blaster lay discarded a short distance away, having been considered useless in the current situation. She panted hard, looking up at the huge Trandoshan who approached her- and his words made her shiver. Ashmir swallowed her fear and bared a downright forced grin at the sith. “I am not telling you druk.” Perhaps not the words she should have chosen, but in her passion and pride to the Republic, she refused to give up information. Sish chuckled. Defiance was always adorable “I don’t think you realize the situation you’re in. I could rip the information from your mind, leaving you nothing but a gibbering idiot. But that’d be boring. So I’m going to do it the old fashioned way.” His lightsaber sparked on, glowing red above the woman’s face. It sliced down, destroying the blaster pistol. “There we go. Now I don’t have to worry about you getting any silly ideas in your head.” He grinned down at her, eye flashing a bright red. Sish lowered the lightsaber till it was a hairsbreadth away from her face. “Last chance. Tell me what I want to know, and I’ll kill you quickly. You won’t even hear me mock you about how weak your Republic is.” An undeniable flash of fear seared through her body at the nearness of this weapon, this blade of plasma, red and menacing, so close… and such fear even flickered through her defiant expression before she regained control of her features. A new thought filled her mind at his words; Duty. She could buy time with resistance. That simple fact was more than enough for her. So all the woman did in response was spit at the Trandoshan. Sish grinned at her fear, ignoring the spit that flew through the air.. “Cute.” The lightsaber descended, burning flesh and halting. Sish gently moved the lightsaber down, stopping at her chin and lifting it back. His teeth bared in savagery. “Talk and it stops.” Pain. Searing pain. The sensation shocked the woman, and at first she held still- but once he pulled the blade away a scream of pain erupted from the woman’s throat, and she tried desperately to thrash against the unseen force holding her down. Her scream subsided as swiftly as it arose however, and all that was left for the girl to do was gasp in pain and clench her eyes shut. She wasn’t talking. Sish tsked. “So brave for nothing. What do you think it’s going to do? Your Republic is losing on all fronts. We’re burning your worlds, turning your people, slaughtering your armies. Even if we don’t get the drop on whatever force you’ve brought here, we’ll still butcher them. I’ve done it before. Hundreds of your soldiers, fleeing like the insects they are, fear roiling off of them as the last of their jedi protectors fall.” As he talked, Sish was bringing his lightsaber down the right side of her body, searing away the armor there and the skin beneath. “Talk, girl, and this stops.” A far more visceral scream erupted from the girl, and in this instance she was thankful for the force pinning her down- she would have thrashed and made this far worse on herself otherwise. But in a way, having that avenue of resistance would have been nice… Having it restricted, thusly, was a decidedly horrendous feeling- one that resonated strongly in the screams of pain and helplessness that Sish was breeding. Her armor burned away- light as it was there was no issue for the lightsaber do go through it, not that anything heavier would have truly mattered in this instance either- and her flesh was charred in an instant. Her voice broke after a few moments of this scream, and she just exhaled extraordinarily heavy breaths of labored pain as she tried to breathe through the pain. This brief moment of quieter pain was quickly driven into another high pitched squeal of terror as the saber’s blade charred more of her skin. “Pathetic. I haven’t even gotten to the muscle yet. I thought they trained you Republic types to be tougher than this.” Sish mocked, bringing the lightsaber up again. He brought it down on the right side of her face, starting at the top of her head. Hair burned and flesh sizzled again as Sish pressed harder, going through the first layer to the flesh and into the muscle beneath. He began slowly moving it down her face and body. He was interrupted by distant explosions. Sish paused, looking over to where the Sith base camp was. “Oh...clever girl.” He chuckled, glancing down at her. “I’ll give you a fighting chance before I got kill your friends. You’re smart, but not strong. Maybe you’ll survive this. Maybe you’ll be actually strong if we ever meet again.” Sish’s flamethrower hand sparked to life, bathing the right side of the Republic sniper in flames. He went over her a few times to ensure she was burning nicely, then let her go, leaping off into the jungle towards the Sith base, a bloodthirsty grin on his face. [i]Thanks to Rtron for the assistance and volunteering of Sish for this[/i] [/hider] With that information uploaded to the data pad, I scanned it briefly. Anything else I needed to fill out was rather routine and mundane. Nothing else triggered phantom pains and bad memories. That meant I could get drunk now, and fill it out later. "Atta-girl..." I muttered to myself. "Drown the pain, get back in the game." [hider= Routine Military Information] The rest of this information was pretty simple to handle and mostly required requesting some records from the higher ups to have an official means of citing my commendations and career path to this point. It was primarily to get the cap details to things I've already talked with him about in person, but that didn't stop me from being thorough. The recommendations of my instructors back in training were pretty high, it's how I got into spec ops training so early on. Moving on from there, I detailed out my extensive training with drones and stealth equipment. This specialized training was the bulk of my actual training time, and by the time I got out of it all I was a blasted good shot- had some of the best scores on the rifle range of my group- and I had a head for the technology that goes into the drones. The stealth field generator might as well be a second skin for me. The incident happened fairly early in my career, only a handful of ops under my belt before that schutta of a Trandoshan got his hands on me. Then came the gritty stuff, the dirty stuff. The bulk of my actual military history, most of which was spent in reconnaissance operations and a handful of high priority target elimination cases. It was at this point in my life that people started calling me 'Eyes'. When people asked 'Do we have eyes on target', I'd be the one responding... Soon I was saying 'Eyes is on target' and the name just sorta...stuck. [/hider] [/hider] [h3] What are you like, and what keeps you motivated? [/h3] Well druk, I'm pretty self motivated. I like to keep myself pumped and moving whenever I can, you know? But that aside, in these pretty dark times we've had basically my entire life, I've made it my duty and goal to assist the Republic in any way I can. Having witnessed some of the kronged up druk the sith can do personally and first-hand...It's kinda a big deal for me. [h3]What's your standard combative style?[/h3] I primarily keep to long range and use a sniping rifle or drones to do the dirty work, I hate getting up close to the fight. However, I'm fast on my feet and escaping from a tangle is something I'm pretty blasted good at- between the grappling hooks and some clever uses of drones or mines, I won't be caught in a close range encounter for long. At least, that's the plan. [h3] How do you relate to the other characters? [/h3] Captain Vebra "The Cap and I have a bit of a strange relationship. I call him 'dad', he tells me not to talk so trashy, we laugh, and get the job done. All in all I'm pretty fond of the fella, I just clean the language up a bit when he's around to keep things somewhat professional." Sish "Kark that guy. Seriously. Kark him and everything he stands for." ---- [/hider] [hider=Out Of Character] [h2] Out of Character [/h2] [h3] How powerful is (s)he in the Force? [/h3] Absolute 0 [h3] Has your character encountered members of the other factions before? [/h3] Sish - How do you think she got those scars? [h3] Your character can’t know his/her every weakness or flaw. Which ones were missing above? [/h3] [b]Idealism[/b] - She's unrealistically ideal about most situations, even if her history and experiences should have lead her to have more realistic expectations. [b]Hubris[/b] - She's overwhelmingly confident in her capabilities, to the point she's mildly blind to a few of her short-comings [h3] The Dark Side. How well does your character resist it? [/h3] About as much as your average person can, considering her incapability at utilizing the force [h3] What is your character’s personality like? What motivates him/her? [/h3] Ashmir is a calm, reliable, sort. She's easy-going, laid back, and takes things in stride- though, at times, her language can devolve into rather blunt and crude phrasings and wordings. An idealist at heart, she tries to find the good in everything, even if the situation is bleak, though she's also one who has a fiery temper once finally pushed over the edge. She's fond of humor, song, and dance. She's motivated by a drive and duty to the Republic Army, which got her out of the slums and into a position that mattered in the galaxy, even if it meant danger. [h3] Do you have any limits as to what is “ok” to happen to your character? [/h3] Do whatever needs to happen, whatever logically should happen, or whatever ICly justifiably needs to happen. I don't care if a death occurs so long as it's not pure arbitration, and I don't care if anything else happens either- the character is story being told, and portraying that story as well as I can is my goal. [h3] Do the ends justify the means? [/h3] Yes. [h3] Captivity. Do you want him/her to potentially be captured? [/h3] I don't mind, do whatever needs to happen or whatever logically should happen IC [h3] What do you think your character is doing in a few IC months? [/h3] I am unsure, it depends very heavily on what she will be doing in the short term and what her team will be sent to do, etcetera. A concrete idea is not capable of being formed at this moment, except in the event she be granted some sort of leave/vacation time. If that occurs, she'll be half-drunk in a cantina somewhere telling people stories they'd never believe. [h3] Does your character have any secrets useful for the GMs’ plots? [/h3] (Send in PM) [/hider] [hider=Eyes' Log] [i]This will be where Eyes' perspective of IC events will be kept, in a journal-esque notation, for the sake of keeping a log[/i] [/hider] [/hider] Here y'all go, a sheet to review