[@HaltingBlooper] She sounds like every fast character ever. [@Akayaofthemoon] Wow, a lot has happened in the past day or so. I'm really glad that you aren't giving up and you can bet I'll sign up for this one too! It might take me a minute because of Christmas season stuff and some end of semester goings on, but count me in! [@Kronshi] Hm, it's going to be a challenge because I really love Chromite and Spinel and the only other character I've put a lot of time into developing probably wouldn't be right for this RP. Maybe to switch things up a little bit, I could use age-reversed Chromite and Spinel, also known as original Chromite/Spinel? Like, maybe this time around, Chromite could be the young gem who ends up getting found by the Earth group, and Spinel could be the older gem who works alongside Bloodstone. Instead of a soldier like Chromite, she could act as his analyst and adviser.