[center][b]The Deadly Room, Active Jones: Nicholas[/b][/center] [center][img]http://www.luxurytravelersguide.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/FrontDesk1small.jpg[/img][/center] Jervis approached the jukebox and played [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NzwoQ48erP4]Track E-34[/url]as he fed the fish, [b]Nicolas Jones[/b] was half-sleeping in a dirty apartment in Chicago he was waiting on a target to enter the building, a vengeful ghost of a mobster named Chuck Redd. Meanwhile the other 7 Jones Assasins all relaxed fairly quietly in the shared mind which is the deadly room. Jervis was feeding the fish while humming the soothing melody of his ambient music choice. He then approached the youngest of the Deadly Jones' the almost genderless [b]Charlie[/b] who was watching a silent horror film on the television. [@Stern Algorithm] Jervis approached the young killer without disturbing him and laid a cup on the table next to him. [hider=Freshly Served] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/4f/d8/16/4fd8161e9527734a65a2b1cfe8c4a1e3.gif[/img] [/hider] [i]Its a shame you will never age, Master Charles, as I will not allow a child to drink alcohol in this room. However that does not mean you cant experince all the wonders of gourmet tea. Please enjoy.[/i] The other 6 were all scattered around the room, some reading, some drinking some watching the large monitor on the wall which was the 'eyes' into the real world where Nicolas was currently. Jervis approached the old school telephone near the front door and spoke to Nicolas directly.[@chiru] [hider=Telepathone] [img]https://pghenvironmental.files.wordpress.com/2013/05/product2.jpg[/img] [/hider] [i]Master Nicolas, you may want to wake up, we sense that the target has entered the building complex, remember youll need to find a phone if you want to communicate back to all of us in the room, and if you wish to switch with anyone in the room youll need to look directly into a mirror and say their name, dont let your pride prevent you from seeking help, Chuck Redd is just as much of a dangerous mobster as you are. He's apparently been developing his hand to hand skills too, so you may have to soften him up. Good Luck Sir. [/i] Jervis put the phone down gently and turned to [b]Abigail[/b] and [b]Bill[/b], would either of you like me to fix you a drink?