Rebellion Name: Marry Gem: Moldsvite Appearance: [hider=Picture] [img][/img] Although she tends to have more of an 'always curious about everything' look on her face than the one in the picture. [/hider] Gem Placement: Chest Gem Item: Tower Shield/Grimore Powers: Levitate(Passive) = Antigrav, fairly straightforward. Portals(Enhanced) = A projectile that can be detonated to create a two way connection in space-time that can be of varying shapes or sizes. Portals can be made either in the air or on surfaces. Portals made on solid surfaces are very stable and take a good while to close if not closed manually while air based portals are unstable and will close a little bit after creation. Portals can be moved while they are open, but doing so reduces their lifespan. There can only be one pair of portals open at a time. Blink = Short range teleport that breaks the character free of bonds. Backstory: A scientist interested in the knowledge that other worlds could bring, Marry decided that the wanton destruction of Homeworld was far too much to deal with, and rebeled to save a planet that looked like it had great potential. Plus Homeworld had stagnated pretty badly in general and wasn't that fun to be at anyway. Other: Tsareena's unique ability. There you go.