[@Rusalka] Spirit takes her hand and tightly shakes it. She gently smiled then looked up Claudia then looked around "So... Are you a vampire or a human? Because you smell like a vampire..." She says shakely unsure about beung near another person without one of her siblings near by. She quickly shifted her gaze to the ground not wanting to make eye contact because of all the stories Mystery would tell her about how Vampires could read your mind, and take control over you. This worried Spirit a lot because if Claudia was a vampire. She might be on her new friends menu tonight. This didn't bother her much but it worried her because of her past and the memories of what those people did to her. All of those cuts, slashes, scratches, and bite marks, just remembering the feeling of them made her want to hide in a corner, and how they would pour alcohol on her and force her to drink it as she was ganged. Spurut shuttered and tightly held onto Claudia's hand with a firm, tense, pain inducing grasp as she has these flashbacks.