A series of rustling in the area's surrounding flora signified a sudden new arrival, as bursting forth from a bush was the figure of the young woman Amarilla, covered head to toe in leaves and blades of grass that had gotten stuck in her hair and on her cloak and clothing. The supply pouches tied at her waist rattled their contents around as she came to a sudden stop from the momentum she had gained running through the bushes and trees, just managing to stop herself from tripping over her own feet and several roots. "Sorry, sorry, am I late?!" Amarilla shouted as she came into view Irthorne and the hulking man who had already arrived. She pulled her hood down somewhat to shield her eyes from the sunlight, but it did not hide a wide spread on her face despite the concerned question. She chuckled a little, adding, "I, uh, decided to go through the trees cause the sun was kinda bright and I guess I got a little turned around, whoops! Sorry about that!" Taking a moment to survey the pair in front of her, Amarilla squinted from under her hood at the larger - [i]significantly[/i] larger - of the two. It took her several seconds to do so, the sunlight forcing her to shut her eyes or turn her gaze to the ground a few times, but she was able to get the general picture even if she couldn't keep her eyes open long enough to absorb all of the details. "Hello, large man!" she announced cheerfully with a wave of one hand, readjusting her hood once more with the other. "Are you here to explore the crypt too? I sure am! It's nice to have someone big and tough on board for that sort of thing!" During her entire greeting, she made no note or acknowledgement of the severed head lying on the ground between herself and the two other individuals, or the blood that broke up the green coloring of the ground. Whether she was unconcerned by those matters or simply didn't see them due to her hood covering her eyes was not quite immediately evident.