Aradia dropped the act, she screamed every curse word she knew in her head. The non-magical kind of curse. A part of her was shocked that the cult leader found out who they were so suddenly, and another part of her was disappointed she couldn’t carry out her act. All that prep for this one moment wasted. However, Aradia didn’t let that bother her too much. She was an agent, not an actor. Aradia readied herself for a fight, obviously, there was no negotiation about to go down. It was either drink the kool aid or be killed. [i][color=9932cc]”Take the initiative… take the initiative,[/color][/i] her mind sang to her, what was she waiting for? All they needed to do was take down the leader before the mind-controlled freaks attacked. They were all innocent, she was sure none of them willingly joined, they didn’t deserve to be killed in the battle that should’ve been between only the agents and the beast. So, out of a sense of duty to the people, Aradia dug her hands into her pockets. The instant she let her fingers brush against the bewitched metal that hid within it, she felt a surge of energy go through her. Along with that surge of power came a feeling of confidence, Aradia now felt sure she could pull this off. The others seemed preoccupied with waiting for orders or giving witty remarks. Aradia believed there was no time for that, every second they wasted standing around, the beast’s power grew. She firmly gripped the silvery white blade. The blade felt unnaturally cool, but it didn’t harm Aradia as she held it in between her fingertips. She twisted her body back, sending full force into the blade. [color=9932cc]”Hey you,”[/color] Aradia spat out to the leader without thinking much, a cocky grin spreading on her face. It was now or never, she had to do this before her bravery faltered. She aimed the blade as carefully as she could, trying to aim her shot between the leader’s eyes and hopefully away from any of her coworkers’ heads. [color=9932cc]”Catch!”[/color] and with that she brought her body forward, flinging the blade towards her target, the blade soaring through the air as she heard a distinct [i]”thawp”[/i]. For a moment. Aradia didn’t dare look at what she hit. She brushed locks of her golden hair out of her eyes as her gaze trailed from the floor and towards her blade. Had she done it? Defeated the evil by throwing a knife at it? Had she missed her target? Hit her friends? Did she hit [i]anything[/i]? She brought her head up and winced at the sight.