“—and I heard she’s out on a mission right now — some low-rank awakened, or so I heard. Twenties or thirties, I believe,” Ansgar was saying excitedly. A couple Claymore were gathered around him, listening intently to the rank one’s words — or so he thought. “That counts for something, doesn’t it? The rank 41 couldn’t even muster up a mid-rank yoma,” the rank one rambled on. Looking up, Ansgar noticed an approaching figure, and a big grin crossed his face. “Gideon! Hey, how are you?” he asked, jumping up from his seat on the log and jogging over to the rank three before throwing an arm around the other Claymore. “How’s Leon been treating you? Seeing as you’re here, I’m assuming that you two still get along well enough to talk some. Behind him, Raynald rose from his seat as well, prompting the other four Claymore to rise too. [i]So, ranks one through five are here,[/i] the rank two thought, eyes gliding over the new arrival and nodding respectfully when their eyes met. While he had never specifically [i]liked[/i] the rank three, Gideon was a definite improvement from the current rank one. “Current,” because Raynald never gave up hope that Ansgar might someday get trampled underfoot by someone more worthy, less talkative, and overall more serious with the power he’d been granted. [i]Well, perhaps she,[/i] Raynald mused, a small smile appearing on his face as he realized that perhaps this new rank twelve may surpass Ansgar. Of course that was probably asking too much of her, and Raynald knew that, but one could hope. [i]Maybe someday she’ll amount to a decent rank four or five,[/i] he thought, thinking back to his early days. Having started as a high rank seven, Raynald knew that, factually, this “Moerae” would probably not rise to rank one. But, then again, he could be wrong. “Hey, Raynald,” Ansgar said, waving him over to where he and Gideon stood. He walked over, sighing as he did so. “We ready to go yet?” Ansgar asked, grinning. Raynald rolled his eyes. “Give me a minute,” he muttered before closing his eyes. When he opened them, his pupils had thinned to a sliver and veins stood out against his pale skin. He had activated his Yoki. “This way,” Raynald said, swiveling towards the east where a distinct yoki was being emitted not far from where the group of single-digits stood. It’d take no more than ten minutes to get there. [hr] Moerae sighed in relief, wiping sweat off her chin as she did pulled her Claymore out off the dead yoma. [i]Definitely not an awakened,[/i] she thought, half-relieved and half-disappointed. While she knew that it was her job to exterminate all yoma and turned Claymores alike, she also felt a little odd about killing someone who used to be like her — a Claymore who’d lost their way. The organization pitched trainees against trainees — fellow Claymores-in-training — and perhaps the rare Youma if they got their hands on it, but she’d never seen an Awakened. [i]Nor do I want to,[/i] she thought with a frown as she flicked blood off her sword and sheathed it in the scabbard on her back. However, Moerae knew better than to hope that she’d never have to face a real Awakened — such was wishful thinking. The sound of footsteps to her left caused her to whirl around in alarm, and she came face to face with a male Claymore who was glowering down at her. Blinking in surprise, Moerae backed up slightly, noticing there were more of them. [i]One, two, three, four, five… Seven,[/i] she counted, tensing up a little. Why were they here? What did they want? “‘Lo,” a cocky-looking Claymore with longish hair said, a smirk on his lips. “Nice to meet you, rank 12 — Moerae.” Moerae swallowed uneasily. “Nice to meet you too,” she said, Yoki diluting all emotions she would have had otherwise. At times like these — times where, in a past life, adrenaline would have pumped through her system as her heart pounded in alarm — Moerae was relieved that she didn’t have the normal emotions of a human. [i]I’m part yoma,[/i] she reminded herself, looking up at the man. [i]I’m a warrior. And warriors don’t back down when approached by strangers.[/i] “May I ask who you all are?” [hr] [@lazarus]