[@Sketcher][@Devilrose596] I shall leave the art to you two then. Unless you'd like me to draw 5 stickmen that is. But some seriously cool work from both of you. [@CGinger] Hope all is good with you. Let us know when we can expect things to get going. Depending on if Ginger returns today, I don't know, I was thinking should the three of us just start posting? we can explore our lives outside of/before Dedsec? Then Ginger can still get his first IC post up to kick the 'main storyine' off? (provided both still keen to get started in some regard?) [i]If[/i] he takes some time or doesn't return we can always talk about what to do then, but hopefully wont be the case and as he said life at Uni has just gotten busy but he will return when he can.