[h3]---CANDAELN COURTYARD---[/h3] [@ghastlyInc] [@AtomicNut] [@Raineh Daze] [quote=Nori Ito]"Oh. Did you finish your laps? And yes, this is Lady Merilia, my mistress and witch knight of your order. And I believe she was the one who may or may not have cast that curse upon you in a fit of mischief."[/quote] Jarde shot up and looked more closely at the figure referred by Nori. She was definitely Knight-Witch Merilia, founder of the Iron Rose Knights. "Ah...! Lady Merilia." Jarde instinctively made a bow while also wondering how such an important figure is still alive. He remembered the Iron Rose Knights being formed hundreds of years ago. And now that the identity of the library spirit has been revealed. "Lady Merilia." Jarde repeated the name, this time with a serious tone. He bowed once more. "Please forgive my behavior in the library. I swear it shall not happen again and so humbly ask that you lift my curse from me before it is too late."