Jarvis gave Amelia a smile as she approached, red faced. It was quite adorable, her being flustered over a boy, but Jarvis wasn't quite sure how he felt about that. Amelia, and boys? Jarvis knew that Amelia could handle her own, but... he couldn't help but feel a little protective. He glanced around for Sam, saying to Amelia [color=aba000]"Go get your sister, we have some new members to welcome, unless you want to stay and watch her?"[/color] He asked, looking to Sam with Elyse, and Ryu. ' Jarvis smiled at Carver, and said [color=aba000]"Well, you never have to look far for one of us, and just about everyone is welcome in the guild. We'll head back to the hotel now"[/color] Sam happily cheered, taking the flower and with childlike glee, she spun about, before giving Ryu a hug, [color=fdc68a]"Thank you"[/color] She said brightly, smiling. [@Roseletta][@Joshua Tamashii][@BladeSS4]