[quote=@Dannyrulx]Yeah, but this is a world in which companies are huge, and most of them have unique advantages because of where they're placed; Australia IRL is a huge mining area, and ranks in the top 5 of mineral production every year. China and India have huge labour pools, and india is so close to the equator that you can launch rockets easily. On a side note, the PNG rainforest is still up for being exploited by somebody if they need wood.[/quote] Yeah except its also my RP and I'm saying there can be corporations with the same major industries, gives people a target to go after. I ain't going to shoot people down simply because their industry idea was taken; ain't going to go down a hyper realism path since I know that shit can get ugly. Also, not sure if I mentioned this, but megacorporaitons have hands in ALL industries, only their largest and most important are listed on the NS, they're semi-self contained for the most part. Also, I'd love to see how other nations react to their kids being taught using Gaoyu's textbook or how a corporation located in China has real estate else where in the world persay.