[center][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjcyLjY4MDNiMC5VbUZwYzNOaElFcHZibVZ6LjEA/the-juke-box.ffp.png[/img][/center] [img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjcyLmU2ZGUwMC5WR2gxWkNFLC4w/latin-modern-mono.mmonotcond10-oblique.png[/img] The sound of steel cards hitting the dart board were a frequent one within The Deadly Room, which may come off as annoying to some. To Raissa, however, it was the sound of progress! [img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjcyLmU2ZGUwMC5WR2gxWkNFLC4w/latin-modern-mono.mmonotcond10-oblique.png[/img] Another stainless steel card wedges itself within the board, barely bordering the bullseye, scoring the young woman a solid nine. However, she wasn't playing for fun - she was playing to kill, quite literally in the fact that she had paper print-outs of former targets on the board, her blades having got one square in the throat, and another in the eye. [color=darkviolet]"Come on,"[/color] she mutters to herself as she aims yet another card, before letting it loose with a powerful flick of the wrist. [color=darkviolet]"Yes!"[/color] [img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjcyLmU2ZGUwMC5WR2gxWkNFLC4w/latin-modern-mono.mmonotcond10-oblique.png[/img] Now the poor victim was eyeless. Raissa breaths a sigh of fresh air, sweat somehow accumulating on her afterlife forehead. [color=darkviolet]"You know, Jerv, you could always offer to serve drinks to someone who needs it."[/color] Damned eyes compliment a friendly smirk to their... afterlife butler? She never really got around to understanding Jervis' role among the group, but she did know he served some mean drinks. The memory stuff was the bomb! [color=darkviolet]"And I see the little one is being spoiled again. Jeez, when do I get some memory tee, aue?"[/color] The latina briskly walks over to one of the couches, leaving her handiwork on the dart board for someone to clean up, and let loose another sigh. [color=darkviolet]"This music is really nice... I'm not usually one for your tastes, Jarv, but admittedly this one isn't so bad."[/color] Though her head was tilted toward the roof, as though she were about to pass out, her attention quickly spun to Charlie and the display - the 'eyes to the outside world', as she would call them. [color=darkviolet]"So, who are we killing, anyway?"[/color] Her question was directed to nobody in particular, though it was an opportunity for one who knew more than she did to speak up.