[h3][center][color=00aeef]Robyn[/color][/center][/h3] [@Fubsy] [@oWhiteDiamondo] Robyn bowed her head and then quickly went with Kinow out of the territory, or at least the clearing, once she was nudged. She couldn't believe that Kinow actually lied to them to meet with the she-wolf. Then again, she was no better, not telling anyone about what she had heard. Maybe it was because she still had some semblance of respect for Crescent Moon, maybe it was because she was an idiot, or maybe because she wanted to respect the young hunter's decision. Whatever the reason was, she didn't say anything to contradict whatever Kinow said. The white wolf wondered why exactly Crescent Moon wanted Kinow in particular. She could've left the pack alone again and avoid being hunted down by Angelwing, but she decided to stay and even go inside the territory (how she slipped in without anyone noticing and then slipping out with a deer was beyond her) to catch the rust-colored wolf's attention. Was there something special with the wolf she was accompanying and possibly protecting? Or was Crescent Moon just picking a wolf at random to interact with. Robyn knew that she would drive herself nuts if she continued to think like this and even then she wouldn't get a proper answer. She was snapped out of her thoughts when Kinow told her to stay there while he proceeds alone. [color=00aeef]"I'm more than sure that she knew I was there."[/color] She pointed out. Her ears flattened as she went in deep thought about it. She then let out a sigh, [color=00aeef]"But fine, I'll leave you guys to your own devices. But I'll be close enough to help you alright? You know what to do."[/color] She then walked to the side and then sat down, ears perked up as she was more alert of her surroundings. She was hesitant to let the young hunter go, considering the possibilities, but if the hunter was sure then who was she to stop him?