Here's mine here. A Canadian megacorporation who are still pretty damn nice. Its CEO may be a little spacey. [hider=Damascus Robotics Research Corporation] [center][img][/img] [color=FF8C00][h1]Damascus Robotics Research Corporation[/h1][/color][h2][sup][sup][color=FF8C00][i]"Seeking new solutions."[/i][/color][/sup][/sup][/h2][hr][hr][/center][h2][sub][b][u]Common Name[/u][/b][/sub][/h2] [indent]Damascus Corp., Damascus Robotics, DRRC, The Big D, Skynet, the Institute[/indent] [h2][sub][b][u] Origins [/u][/b][/sub][/h2] [indent]The Damascus Robotics Research Corporation, then known as the Rocky Mountains Drone Systems, was first formed in late 2018 in Toronto, Canada, specialising in remote-controlled camera drones. It was a simple company of a dozen people and a small office. But with drones increasing in popularity, the company quickly rose in power, going international and dominating the drone market, even designing models for military use. Things were going well, with the corporation branching out into multiple subsidiary companies. It was here that the company was renamed Damascus Robotics Research Systems. But then came the Great Collapse of 2031, and the Canadian economy collapsed on itself. Companies went bankrupt, people lost both their homes and their jobs, even the government wasn't spared as it struggled to keep the furious populace under control. While the company took a heavy hit in the first few weeks following this cataclysmic event, it managed to stay afloat, though it was forced to shut down most of its minor daughter companies. The corporation managed to keep running, though it was forced to close several international branches. Thanks to the Damascus Corporation's advanced drone systems, it managed to keep the rioting Canadian citizens under control through non-lethal methods such as tear gas and shocks. It also used its drones to deliver aid to the affected people not just in Canada but across the globe, providing shelter in the form of massive moving refugee camps. The company quickly rose back to power, and just two years after the Collapse, controlled much of Canada, taking over government duties. The corporation ruled over the country as a benevolent dictatorship, exercising absolute power for the sake of the people. The Canadian people were at least happy with this, and the country entered a period of relative peace. However, due to rising tensions between rival companies that had also taken over much of the still-standing governments, it was forced to arm itself, creating its military wing, Damascus Security Service (DSS), made up of former soldiers, law enforcement officers, and international mercenaries, not to mention thousands of military drones. This new military provided security for the people, and protected them from threats, both exterior and interior. Over time, the corporation began to stray away from its peaceful ways, and began to research and manufacture advanced weapons, much to the disdain of the populace it controlled. The company reassured its citizens that it was for their protection, but they refused to hear them out and attempted a coup. Suffice to say, it failed. The insufficiently-armed ragtag group of civilians were mercilessly cut down by the DSS. Survivors were publicly executed. Damascus' rule became much more authoritarian after that, stepping up security around the country and sending out 'hit squads' to terminate suspected rebels. Despite this, however, the corporation still continued to listen to the needs of its citizens and try to help them the best they can. This is why the company is seen by most to be the lesser of two evils, normally viewing them as the lighter shade of grey.[/indent] [h2][sub][b][u] Leadership [/u][/b][/sub][/h2] [indent] The Damascus Corp. runs its company just like any other before the Collapse: a large company run by a board of directors which in turn is overseen by a CEO. It is currently lead by CEO Joseph Adams, a revolutionary thinker who followed in the footsteps of Stephen Adams, his father and former CEO of the company who was in power before and after the Great Collapse. The now-deceased CEO was the main reason Damascus was now in control of Canada. Besides this, Damascus Security Service is run by multiple generals, fitting for such a large military. They normally function as advisors for the Board of Directors.[/indent] [h2][sub][b][u] Major Industries/Brands/Subsidiaries [/u][/b][/sub][/h2] [indent] [b]Damascus Security Service[/b] (Private Military) [b]Canadian Industries[/b] (Manufacturing) [b]Frontier Research[/b] (Research and Development) [b]Rocky Mountain Drone Systems[/b] (Robotics) (Origin) [/indent] [h2][sub][b][u] Company Culture [/u][/b][/sub][/h2] [indent]Being a company that was formed in Canada, the Damascus Corporation celebrates traditional Candian celebrations such as Canada Day, Victoria Day, and Seal Clubbing Festival. It is a company that believes strongly in good virtues, listening to the complaints and problems of citizens, and tries to help them best they can. As a corporation whose main focus is the field of robotics, they strive to create more advanced and humanlike constructs, believing that these synthetic beings would be an improvement over humanity, and most vital personnel intend to upload their brains into these machines so that they can continue to serve even after dying. It is normal for robots to malfunction and go on a rampage, but employees see it as the only way to succeed is through failure.[/indent] [h2][sub][b][u] Security Detail [/u][/b][/sub][/h2] [indent]The Damascus Security Service (DSS) serves as the corporation's military and main security force. It is a well-armed professional fighting force equipped with only the best the company has to offer. Every soldier wears body armour and a powered exoskeleton that allows for greatly increased strength and the ability to use boosters built into the suit. Foot soldiers are supported by heavily armoured war machines that are perfectly capable of tearing through weaker armies with ease with railgun weapon systems. Besides this, organic human soldiers fight alongside robotic soldiers made for the sole purpose of combat known as Synths.[/indent] [h2][sub][b][u] Territory [/u][/b][/sub][/h2] [center][img][/img][/center] [/hider] [hider=Joseph Adams] [center][img][/img] [h1]Joseph Adams[/h1][h2][sup][sup][i]"Welcome to the future."[/i][/sup][/sup][/h2][hr][hr][/center][h2][sub][b][u] General Information [/u][/b][/sub][/h2] [indent]Joseph William Adams 52 Male 16th May 2047[/indent] [h2][sub][b][u] History [/u][/b][/sub][/h2] [indent]Joseph Adams is the first and only son of Stephen and Cynthia Adams, the then-CEO and Head Researcher, respectively. He was born on a crisp spring day in 2047, more than a decade after the Great Collapse. Immediately, his parents knew that he was destined to be the next CEO and began to teach him everything they knew, from Stephen's management skills to Cynthia's brilliant scientific knowledge. Joseph began to learn far faster than everyone thought, already taking control of an entire office when he was just in his late teens. When Stephen stepped down from power in 2072 and appointed his son to be the next leader of the company, Joseph eagerly accepted and was quick to adjust, making some of the best decisions ever seen in company history. Some time after this, he adopted a young boy named Glover, eventually becoming the commander of the elite branch of the DSS known as the Damascus Overwatch.[/indent] [h2][sub][b][u] Personality [/u][/b][/sub][/h2] [indent]Calm and the last one to crack under pressure, Joseph is exceedingly polite and professional to his employees and citizens. He is known for his rather supernaturally good leadership skills, which is why civilians look up to him and praise him, ever-grateful for the time of peace the country is in. The Joseph behind locked doors is a man of susceptible cunning. He will constantly send out DSS hit squads to eliminate suspected terrorists, sometimes these 'terrorists' being innocent people who just happened to have too much power. Joseph would normally reassure the public that he had taken out wanted criminals, framing the people. This is all to preserve his public image. After all, he followed in the footsteps of his father before.[/indent] [h2][sub][b][u] Relations [/u][/b][/sub][/h2] [indent]Stephen Adams (father), former CEO, deceased Cynthia Adams (mother), former researcher, deceased Glover Adams (adopted son), Damascus Overwatch commander, alive Baxter (dog), pet cyborg dog, alive[/indent] [/hider]